Teva, Valeant Price-Hike Plans Trigger Warnings Under California’s New Transparency Law

California is among a group of states that have taken drug prices into their own hands, with lawmakers last year passing a bill aimed at shining new light on the pricing process. Now, the state is starting to see early results. 

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California Hospitals Try to Block Proposal to Ban Medicaid Providers From 340B

Sarah Hesketh of the California Association of Public Hospitals — which represents 21 hospitals that are all both disproportionately reliant on Medicaid and enrolled in 340B — said that should providers decide to stay enrolled in 340B to get discounts for their Medicare patients they would continue to be subject to the 340B provider rules banning them from group negotiations for lower drug prices. This would have the unintended consequence of hurting the providers who care for the most Medicaid patients.

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Calif. Bill Targets Profiteering In Addiction Treatment, Dialysis Industries

A California lawmaker is seeking to rein in addiction treatment centers and dialysis providers accused of profiteering off vulnerable patients by collecting millions of dollars in inflated medical claims.

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Azar Taps Former CVS Executive to Help Lower Drug Prices

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is tapping a former CVS Caremark executive to lead the agency’s efforts to lower drug prices.

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Health Insurance Rates On Exchange Likely to Go Up Without Congressional Action

Nevadans who purchase insurance on the health exchange and don’t qualify for subsidies from the federal government saw hefty increases in their premiums last year, and those rates are likely to increase again this year unless Congress takes action in the next few weeks. A deal to stabilize the Affordable Care Act seemed possible as ...

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Aetna to Pass Discounts it Gets From Drug Companies Directly to Consumers

Health insurer Aetna will begin passing discounts it gets on prescription drugs directly to some consumers at the point of sale, the company announced Tuesday. 

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California Assembly Pitches Alternatives to Single-Payer Health Care

California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon is refusing to advance this year a controversial single-payer health care bill that would dramatically reshape the state's health care financing and delivery system. Instead, he's orchestrating an alternative, narrower approach that seeks to achieve universal coverage and make Obamacare more affordable.

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California Medicaid Expansion Enrolled Hundreds of Thousands Ineligible People, Federal Report Finds

California signed up an estimated 450,000 people under Medicaid expansion who may not have been eligible for coverage, according to a report by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department's chief watchdog.

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Health Care Costs 30% More in Northern California Than in Rest of the State

People living in areas where there is greater consolidation among hospitals, physician groups and insurance companies pay more for health care, according to a study released Monday.

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CVS-Aetna Wants to be in Your Neighborhood Because Zip Codes Powerfully Shape People’s Health

Aetna chief executive Mark Bertolini heads one of the biggest health insurers in the country and is on the cusp of a $69 billion megadeal to merge his company with pharmacy giant CVS. He says the future of health care is going to depend, mostly, on the time people spend outside the grasp of the traditional medical system.

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