Why AB 3087 Health Price Regulations in California are Misguided

Anger over rising health care prices is boiling over in California. But good long term results rarely emerge from a red-hot pot.

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How The Farm Bill Could Erode Part Of The ACA

Some Republican lawmakers continue to try to work around the federal health law’s requirements. That strategy can crop up in surprising places. Like the farm bill.

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Medicare Beneficiaries Feel The Pinch When They Can’t Use Drug Coupons

The coupons typically offer patients with commercial insurance a break on their copayment for brand-name drugs, often reducing their out-of-pocket costs to what they would pay for inexpensive generic drugs.

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FDA Chief Gottlieb to Pharma: Those Rebates You Love to Hate May Soon Count as Kickbacks

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., hasn’t been shy about allying with President Donald Trump on the subject of high drug prices. Even though pricing is not the FDA's purview, Gottlieb has vowed to do his part to bring down drug costs by speeding up approvals of generics, for example, and cracking down on companies that try to stifle generic competitors.

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L.A. Sues 9 Drug Companies, Alleging Unethical Practices that Worsened the Opioid Crisis

The city of Los Angeles accused top drugmakers and distributors Thursday of fueling the nation's opioid epidemic by engaging in deceptive marketing aimed at boosting sales of powerful, addictive painkillers such as OxyContin, methadone and fentanyl.

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Trump Says He Got Rid of Obamacare. The I.R.S. Doesn’t Agree

At a rally in Michigan a little over a week ago, President Trump assured his supporters that he had kept his promise to abolish the Affordable Care Act — even though Congress had failed to repeal the Obama-era health law.

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Gubernatorial Hopefuls Look To Health Care For Election Edge

California’s leading gubernatorial candidates agree that health care should work better for Golden State residents: Insurance should be more affordable, costs are unreasonably high, and robust competition among hospitals, doctors and other providers could help lower prices, they told California Healthline.

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Poll Finds 4M Lost Health Insurance in Last Two Years

About 4 million Americans lost health insurance in the last two years, according to a new survey from the Commonwealth Fund, which attributed the decline to actions taken by the Trump administration.

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Weak Oversight Blamed For Poor Care At California Nursing Homes Going Unchecked

California health regulators have allowed poor care to proliferate at nursing homes around the state, and the number of incidents that could cause serious injury or death has increased significantly in recent years, according to a stinging state audit released this week.

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As Specialty Drugs Gain Share, Trump Looks To Curb Prices

The share specialty drugs have of total U.S. pharmaceutical sales is hurtling toward 50% just as the Donald Trump White House prepares next week to unveil proposals to curtail the nation’s tab for prescription drugs.

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