California Lawmakers Want To Crack Down On Fraud At Drug Rehab Centers. Will It Work?

There are a whole host of problems with the drug rehab industry, according to a major investigation by the Southern California News Group: No degree, medical or otherwise, is required to get a facility license; and some centers are administering subpar, and even unnecessary, care and then billing insurance companies for it in the hopes of earning high reimbursements.

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More Nevada Kids Have Health Insurance, But State 9th Worst

The number of children in Nevada without health insurance was cut by more than half between 2011 and 2016, but the state’s rate of uninsured kids remains the ninth-highest in the U.S., according to a new report.

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Amazon, Buffett, JPMorgan Pick Gawande to Lead Health Firm

Three corporate giants seeking to attack rising health care costs have turned to a Harvard professor who has written books about the system's many flaws.

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Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Hopes to Offer Members Health Insurance

The Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce would like to get back into the health insurance business. Such a move became more likely Tuesday when the Trump administration announced a rule that would let small businesses or associated groups band together to purchase what are known as association health plans. The U.S. Department of Labor said the move will enable groups that share a commonality — such as an industry or geographic location — to obtain more affordable coverage.

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Fraud Fears Rise as Feds Expand Access to Association Health Plans

Regulators and insurance experts worry the Trump administration's new rule expanding association health plans for small businesses and self-employed people will lead to a spike in insurance fraud and insolvencies that plagued consumers and healthcare providers in the past.

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New Trump AHP Rule Rolls Back Protections of the Affordable Care Act

The Trump administration issued a sweeping new rule on Tuesday to make it easier for small businesses to band together and set up health insurance plans that skirt many requirements of the Affordable Care Act, offering lower costs but also fewer benefits.

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Calif. Exchange Chief Sees No Rate Impact From Latest Trump Challenge To ACA

Covered California’s premiums are expected to rise significantly next year, but the head of the state’s insurance exchange said the Trump administration’s legal bid to dismantle protections for people with preexisting medical conditions will likely not contribute to the increases.

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Worker Protections Seen at Risk in Pre-X Shift

The Trump administration’s latest move against “Obamacare” could jeopardize legal protections on pre-existing medical conditions for millions of people with employer coverage, particularly workers in small businesses, say law and insurance experts.

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Bipartisan Group of Governors Denounces Trump Move On Pre-Existing Conditions

A bipartisan group of governors on Monday called on the Trump administration to reverse its decision to argue in court that ObamaCare’s pre-existing condition protections should be overturned.

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Actuaries Identify Drivers of 2019 Health Insurance Premium Changes

The American Academy of Actuaries has identified increasing health care costs and the effects of public policy changes as among the major drivers of 2019 premium rate changes for individual insurance coverage that is subject to Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules.

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