Agents and Brokers Flee ACA Exchanges Despite Trump Administration Support

The number of registered brokers and agents who help people sign up for coverage through the federal ACA insurance exchange continued to decline in 2018, despite the CMS' efforts to encourage their participation by making it easier for them to sign up customers during open enrollment.

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California Law Introduces New Data Concerns for Healthcare Organizations

California legislators are giving companies dealing in personal data—including some health information—yet another set of restrictions to contend with thanks to a new broad privacy law passed last week.

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When Health Insurance Prices Rose Last Year, Around a Million Americans Dropped Coverage

Last year, as insurance prices rose by an average of just over 20 percent around the country, people who qualified for Obamacare subsidies hung onto their insurance. But the increases appear to have been too much to bear for many customers who earned too much to qualify for financial help.

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Pfizer Raises Prices on 100 Drugs, Its Second Round of Hikes This Year: FT

President Trump may think top drugmakers are ready to step up with price cuts, but Pfizer, for one, is going the other way instead.

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Commissioner Orders Workers’ Comp Insurers to Report Federal Income Tax Savings

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced today he has issued an order that every insurer licensed to write workers' compensation insurance in the State of California must report their federal income tax savings annually through a rate filing in light of the new tax law.

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Why Telemedicine Has Been Such A Bust So Far

Billions of investment dollars have been poured into apps and websites that offer this virtual consultations with physicians, ranging from Doctor on Demand to American Well. The theory behind them is that millennials would opt for a digital alternative to an in-person physician's visit, if the option were available. And patients in remote, rural areas who are miles away from the nearest doctor would have few alternatives.

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CMS: Doctors, Hospitals Received $8.4B in Payments From Drug Companies Last Year

Doctors and teaching hospitals received $8.4 billion in payments from drug companies in 2017, according to the latest Open Payments data released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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Five Questions About Amazon’s Play For The $300 Billion Pharmacy Market Inc. is buying its way into the pharmacy business. Now the question is, how big can it get?

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6 Themes Driving Healthcare Leaders to Change

A report featuring candid conversations with 24 industry leaders from a variety of healthcare subsectors shows broad agreement on six themes that should drive healthcare convergence and an improvement of the patient experience.

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Sky-High Deductibles Broke the U.S. Health Insurance System

When Carla Jordan and her husband were hit with a cascade of serious medical issues, she knew that at least her family had health insurance through her job. What she didn’t realize was that even with that coverage, a constant stream of medical bills would soon push the family to the edge of financial collapse.

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