California’s Costly, Inaccessible Healthcare System

More than one-third of California's $200 billion budget goes toward health care. Private health insurance spending in the state, meanwhile, exceeds more than $100 billion a year.

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House to Vote On HSA Expansion, Permanent Repeal of Medical Device Tax

House Republicans this week plan to approve expanding health savings accounts—a key tenet of the GOP healthcare platform since they were created under President George W. Bush—and significantly change Obamacare's tax credit structure to let subsidies flow to catastrophic plans.

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Trump Battle Over Drug Prices Heats Up

The Trump administration is taking credit for a series of announcements by drug companies to freeze drug prices for the remainder of 2018, arguing it is proof that the president’s tough talk is leading to results.

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Insurance Agency M&As reach Second-Highest Total On Record

At least 280 insurance agency mergers and acquisitions were announced during the first half of 2018, according to OPTIS Partners’ M&A database, making it the second-highest six month total. This year’s deals trailed off compared to the first half of 2017 when 333 transactions were reported.

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PhRMA Lobby Spend Grows to $15.5M in the First Half of 2018

As the pharmaceutical industry faces potential pricing reform and continued criticism from patient advocates and members of Congress, the industry's top trade group spent $15.5 million lobbying in the first half, an 11.5% increase compared with the same period last year.

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AHIP: Rebates Not Driving Rise In Drug Pricing

America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is fighting back against recent claims that drug rebates have been the primary driver of the rising cost of prescriptions, releasing their own report Friday about the impact of the discounts.

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CBO Underestimates Medicare Part D Savings by $4 Billion Due to Oversight Lapse

The Congressional Budget Office vowed it would ramp up oversight of its cost-estimate process after it underestimated the impact of a Medicare Part D change made by Congress by $4 billion.

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CMS May Propose Restarting $10B Risk-Adjustment Payments

The CMS may soon restart making billions of dollars in risk-adjustment payments to insurance companies with plans on the individual market via a new rulemaking.

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Fierce ObamaCare Critic Joins Trump Administration In Top Health-Care Role

Paul Mango, a former Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate who is a fierce critic of ObamaCare, will join the Trump administration in a top health-care role.

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US Judge Throws Out Suit Over Health Subsidy Cuts

A U.S. judge in San Francisco has thrown out a lawsuit over the Trump administration's decision to cut Affordable Care Act subsidies.

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