Rising U.S. Healthcare Costs Could Hit Other Sectors of the Economy

The double whammy of rising healthcare costs and an aging population could cause a ripple of negative impacts across the U.S. economy.

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Gilead to Sell Cheaper Versions of Drug That Sparked Cost Debate

Gilead Sciences Inc. will sell cheaper versions of its blockbuster hepatitis C drugs, the original versions of which sparked widespread debate about U.S. pharmaceutical costs when they were introduced at a price of more than $1,000 a pill.

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Drug Industry Tries to Slip $4 Billion Windfall Into Opioid Bill

Drug companies usually get what they want in public-policy battles on Capitol Hill, but a move by the pharmaceutical industry to grab $4 billion from the federal Treasury in a bill that is supposed to address the nation’s deadly opioid epidemic is meeting fierce resistance.

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Blood, Sweat And Workplace Wellness: Where To Draw The Line On Incentives

Workplace wellness programs that offer employees a financial carrot for undergoing health screenings, sticking to exercise regimens or improving their cholesterol levels have long been controversial.

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Ruling On Health Care Subsidies Could Prove Costly for Government

A federal court ruled this month that a Montana insurer is entitled to federal compensation for subsidy payments under the Affordable Care Act that President Trump abruptly ended last October, a ruling that could reverberate through insurance markets and cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars.

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Administration Makes it Easier to Avoid ObamaCare Mandate Penalty

The Trump administration is making it easier for individuals to opt out of ObamaCare’s individual mandate.

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Senate Passes Sweeping Opioids Package

In a rare moment of bipartisanship, the Senate overwhelmingly passed on Monday evening a sweeping package of bills aimed at addressing the nation’s deadly opioid epidemic.

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Merger of Cigna and Express Scripts Gets Approval From Justice Dept.

Federal officials on Monday gave the go-ahead to the proposed merger between Cigna, one of the nation’s largest health insurers, and Express Scripts, a major pharmacy benefit manager.

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House GOP Blocks Trump – Supported Drug Pricing Provision from Spending Bill

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a drug pricing amendment supported by President Trump from inclusion in a health-care spending bill.

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Paper Jam: California’s Medicaid Program Hits ‘Print’ When The Feds Need Info

In the shadow of Silicon Valley, the hub of the world’s digital revolution, California officials still submit their records to the feds justifying billions in Medicaid spending the old-fashioned way: on paper.

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