2.7 Million Californians Don’t Have Health Insurance. Can that Number Go Lower?

After a streak of steady declines, California’s uninsured rate bottomed out last year with some 2.7 million people still without health coverage.

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Medicare For All? CMS Chief Warns Program Has Enough Problems Already

The Trump administration’s top Medicare official Tuesday slammed the federal health program as riddled with problems that hinder care to beneficiaries, increase costs for taxpayers and escalate fraud and abuse.

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CMS Hands States More Power for Waiver Process

The CMS on Monday handed state governors significant power to overhaul their insurance exchanges and changed the way it will evaluate so-called innovation waivers. 

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As Amazon Turns Its Gaze to Healthcare, the Industry May Be in for a Wild Ride

Amazon has been in the headlines disrupting markets for years, but over the past few months, we have seen more and more news about the company’s ambitions in healthcare. From the alliance with JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway that Dr. Atul Gawande has been appointed to lead to the purchase of PillPack, Amazon is clearly serious about healthcare. The question now is how far will Amazon, the master disrupter, take this?

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Trump Wants Drug Commercials to Include Prices. These Five Companies Have the Most at Stake

President Trump wants to force drug companies to disclose their prices in TV ads — and that’s going to hit five companies much harder than any others: Pfizer, AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Amgen, and Allergan.

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Consumer Data Compromised in Affordable Care Act Enrollment Portal

The confidential records of about 75,000 consumers have been hacked from one of the data portals used to help people get health plans through the Affordable Care Act’s federal insurance marketplace, the Trump administration announced on Friday.

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Open Enrollment for Health Insurance Begins; Here’s What Californians Should Know

Open enrollment is the specific time period each year when individuals can purchase health insurance for the upcoming year. And this year, it starts Monday, Oct. 15 and ends Jan. 15.

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Why Proposition 8 Is One of the Most Contentious, and Confusing, Ballot Measures in Play

Roughly 140,000 Californians spend the equivalent of a part-time job — 12 to 20 hours a week — in a dialysis clinic, where a machine functioning as a kidney filters waste out of their blood.

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Drugmakers Funnel Millions To Lawmakers; A Few Dozen Get $100,00-Plus

Before the midterm elections heated up, dozens of drugmakers had already poured about $12 million into the war chests of hundreds of members of Congress.

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In Public, Lawmakers Scold Drug Distributors. Come Campaign Season They Accept Their Cash Willingly

In this election season, lawmakers are taking on drug distributors with abandon, and many seem to relish the role.

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