Deadline Coming to Sign Up for Nevada Health Insurance Option

There are five days left to sign up for a plan on Nevada’s Affordable Care Act exchange, but so far, the health insurance option isn’t as popular among consumers as it was last year.

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Fewer Signing Up for Obamacare as Enrollment Deadline Nears

Obamacare sign-ups through are down nationally and in Nevada as the final days of open enrollment approach.

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Health Insurer, Employers Call on Congress to End Surprise Billing

Nine groups representing health insurers, employers and consumers on Monday called for federal legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills from out-of-network providers.

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Dems Aim to Punt Vote on ObamaCare Taxes

Health-care companies are making a last-minute push to delay ObamaCare taxes as part of a year-end government funding deal, but they face resistance from Democrats who want to punt the issue until next year when they control the House.

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Trump Administration Seeks Public Feedback On How To Fix HIPAA Privacy Rules

Among regulations in healthcare, perhaps none is more well known—or loathed—than HIPAA.

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How Can We Lower Healthcare Costs? Key GOP Senator Seeks Ideas

Senate health committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) plans to have his panel next year work on legislation to address high healthcare costs.

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A Groundbreaking Antitrust Lawsuit is Ensnaring the Generic Drug Industry

It’s the biggest lawsuit you might not know anything about: Generic drug companies stand accused of running a “cartel” that rigged the market and fixed prices, costing patients and taxpayers, according to a complaint that has been joined by almost every state’s attorney general.

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Incoming Dem Chairman Open to Hearing on ‘Medicare for All’

The incoming chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), said Tuesday that he is open to holding hearings on "Medicare for all" next year.

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State Explores How to Counteract End of Obamacare Mandate

In a scramble to keep people enrolled in health care plans, what did New Jersey, Vermont and the District of Columbia do earlier this year that California has not done?

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Lower Utilization Dampened Health Spending Growth in 2017

The rate of U.S. healthcare spending growth slowed from 2016 to 2017, driven by reduced use and intensity of hospital care, physician services and prescription drugs, according to the new annual report by CMS' Office of the Actuary published in Health Affairs. 

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