House Republicans Push Medicare for All Hearing While Democrats Stall

Republicans are pushing leaders of a key House committee to hold a hearing on Medicare for all, but the Democrats aren't taking the bait. Oregon Rep. Greg Walden, ranking member of the Energy & Commerce Committee, and Texas Rep. Michael Burgess, the lead Republican on the health subcommittee, pressed in a letter this week and at a hearing Wednesday to publicly explore the proposal to create a national, government-run health insurance program.

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Democrats Unite to Begin Push to Protect Pre-Existing Condition Coverage

Democrats, claiming a mandate from voters, opened a legislative campaign on Wednesday to secure protections under the Affordable Care Act for people with pre-existing medical conditions, putting aside divisions over a more ambitious push for “Medicare for all” in favor of shoring up existing law.

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New Covered California Sign-Ups Plummet

The number of new enrollees in Covered California health plans plunged by nearly a quarter this year, largely because of the elimination of the federal tax penalty for people without insurance, officials announced Wednesday.

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Trump Administration to Eliminate Safe Harbors for Drug Rebates to PBMs

The Trump administration wants to eliminate safe harbor protections for drug rebates negotiated by pharmacy benefit managers and instead offer those protections to discounts passed directly to consumers. 

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Hospital Price Growth Driving Healthcare Spending

Hospital prices are the main driver of U.S. healthcare spending inflation, and that trend should direct any policy changes going forward, according to a new study. 

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How Much Will It Cost for California to Expand Medi-Cal?

State lawmakers are received a first look Friday at the costs tied to an ambitious plan to provide health insurance for more California residents.

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Task Force Outlines Strategy To Address California’s Shortfall Of Health Workers

Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed bold steps to ensure more Californians have health coverage, but a new report underscores that his success may depend in part on large-scale investments to expand the state’s health care workforce.

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Ideas To Curb Surprise Medical Bills Percolate With Rare Bipartisan Push

Surrounded by patients who told horror stories of being stuck with hefty bills, President Donald Trump recently waded into a widespread health care problem for which almost everyone — even those with insurance — is at risk: surprise medical billing.

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Employer Groups Rally Trump Prescription Drug Pricing Rule

The Trump administration’s proposed new rule taking aim at healthcare costs by eliminating hidden drug rebates is a positive step that would increase transparency and eliminate conflicts of interest — and better serve both employers and employees in the process.

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California Attorney General And Santa Clara County Face Off Over Sale Of Two Hospitals

When U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris approved the sale of six nonprofit California hospitals in 2015 as the state attorney general, she imposed strict conditions on the new corporate owners, requiring them to continue to provide critical health services to area residents.

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