Federal Court Agrees to Let Democrats Defend ObamaCare in Court

A Louisiana-based federal court of appeals on Thursday agreed to let House Democrats join a fight to save the Affordable Care Act, but refused to expedite an appeal.

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High Stakes As Trump, Dems Open Drug Price Talks

Democrats and the Trump administration are beginning to hold talks on lowering drug prices as they look for a rare area of common ground.

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In State of the State, Gov. Gavin Newsom Sprints Out of the Shadow Cast by His Iconic Predecessor

There was an itchiness to the relationship between Gavin Newsom, who spent eight years as an understudy, and former Gov. Jerry Brown. Much of it was institutional: California’s lieutenant governor and chief executive don’t run on a joint ticket and once elected, the second in command has almost no official duties. The structure allows even a middling leader to cast an imposing shadow.

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For 2020 Dem Hopefuls, ‘Medicare-For-All’ Is A Defining Issue, However They Define It

Democrats with 2020 presidential aspirations are courting the party’s increasingly influential progressive wing and staking out ambitious policy platforms.

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Costly Specialty Drugs Drive Higher Spending on Provider-Administered Treatments, Study Finds

Spending per member in commercial plans on medical pharmacy drugs increased by nearly 20% between 2016 and 2017, due in part to the growing number of emerging therapies with high price tags. 

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As California Pours Money into Denti-Cal Reform, State Sees Modest Improvements

California has given dentists nearly $130 million in incentive payments in the last two years in return for treating more low-income children.

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HHS Using Disclosure Transparency to Try to Force Change

To get healthcare's powerful players to behave as desired, HHS and its various units are increasingly turning to the same playbook: naming and shaming bad actors.

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Hospital Mergers Improve Health? Evidence Shows the Opposite

Many things affect your health. Genetics. Lifestyle. Modern medicine. The environment in which you live and work.

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Americans Cross Border Into Mexico To Buy Insulin At A Fraction Of U.S. Cost

When Michelle Fenner signed up to run this year’s Los Angeles Marathon, it got her thinking: Tijuana, Mexico, is only a 2½-hour drive from L.A. Why not take a trip across the border and buy some insulin for her son?

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Recent Health-Care Consolidation Deals Reflect Drive for Efficiencies, Profits – and Sometime Survival

One by one over the past month, local health-care providers changed hands: a radiology company, a chain of blood-testing clinics, a hospital.

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