Beware of Shifting Options Within Medicare Plans

For millions of older Americans, it is time to sift through the mind-boggling array of Medicare plans.

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Understanding Proposition 45 Issues

Proposition 45 offers a simple choice for voters: Do they want the state insurance commissioner to regulate health care rates for small businesses and individual health plans?

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Covered California Users Grateful but Keenly Aware of Shortcomings

Alain Datcher knows there's a sad truth about the newly minted Medi-Cal card he carries in his wallet. It opens a few doors, but only takes him so far.

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New California Law Increases Oversight of Medi-Cal Provider Networks

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation to boost oversight of so-called "narrow networks" and other business practices that affect timely access to care.

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Regulators Clear Covered California Rates, Hold Off On Narrow Networks

California regulators won't challenge the next round of health insurance rate increases in the state exchange, but insurers' narrow networks of doctors and hospitals are drawing tougher scrutiny.

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U.S. Cannot Subsidize Health Plans in States With No Marketplace, a Judge Rules

A federal district judge in Oklahoma dealt a blow to the Affordable Care Act on Tuesday, ruling that the federal government could not subsidize health insurance in three dozen states that refused to establish their own marketplaces. This appears to increase the likelihood that the Supreme Court will ultimately resolve the issue.

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Bosses Face Affordable Care Act Deadline

The clock is ticking for Tommy Cain and thousands of other U.S. employers facing deadlines to make changes to the health insurance they offer their employees under the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Cain has already met one of the law's key requirements: offer health insurance to at least 70% of full-time staffers by 2015, or face penalties.

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HHS Is Hiding Health Insurance Rate Hikes, Former Official Chargers

Hundreds of thousands of Americans face a Tuesday deadline to verify their income and are at risk of losing or having to pay back their federal health-insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.

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Hundreds of Thousands Face Health Law Subsidy

Lance Shnider is confident Obamacare regulators knew exactly what they were doing when they created an online calculator that gives a green light to new employer coverage without hospital benefits. “There’s not a glitch in this system,” said Shnider, president of Voluntary Benefits Agency, an Ohio firm working with some 100 employers to implement such plans. “This is the way the calculator was designed.”

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Debate Grows Over Employer Plans With No Hospital Benefits

The total price tag for ObamaCare's main enrollment portal now stands at more than $2 billion, according to a new analysis by Bloomberg Government. The new total, released Wednesday, includes efforts to construct and then fix after serious technical problems threatened to shutter the site last fall.

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