Congress Seeks To Limit Transfers Between Social Security And Disability Funds

A sweeping rules package the House approved at the start of the 114th Congress includes a provision that has set off a war of words about the future of Social Security and benefits for disabled workers.

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New Calif. Law Aims To Protect Patients’ Sensitive Health Information

A new state law (SB 138) that went into effect on Jan. 1 allows individuals covered by another person's health plan to submit requests to insurers to keep certain medical information private, KPBS reports (Goldberg, KPBS, 1/6).

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Study: 9.6M Could Lose ObamaCare if Subsidy Challenge Succeeds

Roughly 9.6 million people could lose medical coverage on ObamaCare's exchanges if the Supreme Court rules that subsidies distributed by the federal marketplaces are invalid, according to a new study.

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House Fires Shot at Health Care Law, Seeking to Alter Critical Coverage Rule

The House on Thursday easily passed legislation that would redefine a full-time worker under the Affordable Care Act, brushing aside qualms from conservatives and liberals who fear the bill would prompt employers to cut worker hours to avoid being forced to offer them health insurance.

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New Workplace Laws: Employers Health Care Mandate, Rules for Contractors and a Medi-Cal ‘List of Shame’

Amid a public debate over the growing gap between rich and poor, major new laws affecting California businesses this year are squarely aimed at improving the lot of low-wage workers.

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New Rules to Limit Tactics on Hospitals’ Fee Collections

The Obama administration has adopted sweeping new rules to discourage nonprofit hospitals from using aggressive tactics to collect payments from low-income patients.

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GOP Courts Warren to Repeal Medical Device Tax

Republicans are looking to an unlikely ally in their bid to repeal a controversial piece of ObamaCare: Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

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Most Marketplace Customers Have New Filing Requirements This Tax Season

In addition to the normal thrills and chills of the income tax filing season, this year consumers will have the added excitement of figuring out how the health law figures in their 2014 taxes.

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Workers Paying More for Health Insurance, But Getting Fewer Benefits

Although the Affordable Care Act has not led to soaring insurance costs, as many critics claimed it would, the law hasn't provided much relief to American workers either, according to a new study of employer-provided health benefits.

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California Gov. Brown’s Budget Holds Back on Social Spending, Angering Some on the Left

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on Friday proposed a massive $113 billion state budget that boosts education spending and state savings while leaving some social programs funded below pre-recession levels, earning the ire of liberal activists that could set up a showdown with Democrats in the state legislature.

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