800,000 Households Got Health Care Subsides in California

Some 800,000 California households received $3.2 billion in federal health care subsidies last year, officials said Monday.

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Tax Preparers Brace To Be Bearers of Bad Health Law News

Are you thinking about tax day yet? Your friendly neighborhood tax preparer is. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen declared this tax season one of the most complicated ever, and tax preparers from coast to coast are trying to get ready for the first year that the Affordable Care Act will show up on your tax form.

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California Health Agencies Saw Significant Payroll Increase in 2014

Following three years of flat payroll costs for the state, California state workers' total annual incomes increased $1.1 billion in 2014, with some of the largest increases occurring among health-related agencies, according to new state payroll data, the Sacramento Bee reports.

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Health Insurers May Face Tougher Rules On Doctor Lists

In response to complaints about Obamacare doctor networks, a California lawmaker and three consumer groups are seeking legislation that would require health plans to improve provider directories.

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Government Closer to Goal of 9.1M Enrolled Under Health Law

The Obama administration is moving closer to its goal of 9.1 million people signed up for private coverage under the president's health care law.

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Tax Preparers Brace to be Bearers of Bad Health Law News

Are you thinking about tax day yet? Your friendly neighborhood tax preparer is. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen declared this tax season one of the most complicated ever, and tax preparers from coast to coast are trying to get ready for the first year that the Affordable Care Act will show up on your tax form.

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GOP Vows to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

Republicans vowed to repeal and replace ObamaCare following President Obama's State of the Union address, a speech that repeatedly touted the successes of the healthcare law.

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California Nurses Call Off Strike Against Kaiser

The California Nurses Assn. announced Saturday that it has called off plans for a strike next week against Kaiser Permanente after reaching a tentative contract agreement for 18,000 of its members in Northern and Central California.

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California Hospital Fair Pricing Act Has Cut Prices for Uninsured

California's Hospital Fair Pricing Act has helped lower costs for uninsured patients by placing limits on the fees hospitals can charge them for care, according to a study published in Health Affairs, Medscape reports.

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CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner is Stepping Down

Marilyn Tavenner, a key Obama administration health official overseeing the country's largest health insurance programs, announced Friday that she's resigning from her position as administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services next month.

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