Trump Budget Pitches Capping Seniors’ Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs, Cutting NIH Funding

The White House on Monday proposed capping out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors covered by Medicare, re-emphasizing Trump administration support for a concept endorsed both by pharmaceutical companies and congressional Democrats.

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Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ Expands Long-Term Care Benefits

Sen. Bernie Sanders is raising the stakes of the “Medicare for All” debate by expanding his proposal to include long-term care, a move that is forcing other Democratic presidential candidates to take a stand on addressing one of the biggest gaps in the U.S. health care system.

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Amazon, Berkshire’s Haven Aims to ‘Simplify Insurance’

The mysterious new health-care venture announced by Inc., Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. will be called Haven, the firm announced Wednesday.

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Trump Administration Targets ‘Secretive Nature’ of Health Care Pricing

Attacking “the secretive nature of pricing in the health care market,” the Trump administration said this week that it wanted to require public disclosure of the rates that doctors and hospitals negotiate with health insurance companies.

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U.S. Hospitals And Insurers Might be Forced To Reveal The True Prices They Negotiate

The Trump administration is weighing whether to require hospitals to publicly reveal the prices they charge insurance companies for medical procedures and services — prices that are currently negotiated in private and kept confidential.

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Dem Leaders, Progressives Struggle Over ‘Medicare for All’

Democratic leaders in the House are offering warnings about the high cost of "Medicare for all," underscoring concerns in the party about moving forward with the single-payer health care proposal.

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Child Enrollment in Public Health Programs Fell by 600K Last Year

The number of kids enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) — two government health plans for the poor — fell by nearly 600,000 in the first 11 months of 2018, a precipitous drop that has puzzled and alarmed many health policy analysts, while several states say it reflects the good news of an improving economy.

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Study: High-Deductible Health Plans Aren’t Making Members Better Healthcare Consumers

Though high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) have proliferated, members who have them often don’t act as empowered, discerning consumers, which can lead to delays in care, according to new research. 

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How Much Difference Will Eli Lilly’s Half-Price Insulin Make?

When Erin Gilmer filled her insulin prescription at a Denver-area Walgreens in January, she paid $8.50. U.S. taxpayers paid another $280.51.

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Nevada Bill Would Protect Health Care Benefits

Two bills introduced in a Senate health committee meeting Wednesday in the Legislature would protect health care benefits in Nevada.

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