Calif. Bureau Proposes Lower Advisory Workers’ Comp Premium Rate

On Monday, the California Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau recommended decreasing the current workers' compensation advisory pure premium rate, the Sacramento Bee's "Capitol Alert" reports.

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Californians Increasingly Visiting Hospital ERs for Non-Injury Care

Californians are increasingly likely to visit a hospital emergency room for complex medical problems rather than an injury, according to new research.

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Shifts In Earnings For Consumers Near Medicaid Line Can Threaten Coverage

Low-income consumers whose earnings fluctuate or family circumstances change over the course of the year risk losing their health coverage if they shift between eligibility for Medicaid and coverage on the health insurance exchanges.

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Democrats Push to Extend Health, Legal Rights to Immigrants

Responding to federal inaction over immigration reform, California Democrats on Tuesday will propose a package of 10 bills that would extend health care, legal rights and business protection to immigrants who are illegally living in the state.

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Government Payments for Medicare Advantage Plans to Rise in 2016

Payments to health insurers operating Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly and disabled will increase by 1.25 percent in 2016, the U.S. government said on Monday, in response to expected growth in health spending.

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IRS Deadline Extended for ObamaCare Customers Sent the Wrong Tax Form

ObamaCare customers who received the wrong tax form from the federal government this spring will not face penalties if they miss the April 15 deadline, officials announced Friday.

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Health Law Bumps Up Tax Refunds For Some; Others Take Hit

As the April 15 tax deadline nears, people who got help paying for health insurance under President Barack Obama's law are seeing the direct effect on their refunds — hundreds of dollars, for better or worse.

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Full Plate of Health Care Bills Pending as legislature Reconvenes

The state Legislature reconvenes on Monday after having a week off for spring recess and the health care agenda is full.

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High Price of Specialty Drugs Prompts Backlash

For hepatitis C patients, new drugs introduced in the past two years offer a cure that’s miraculous when compared with former treatments for the potentially fatal virus.

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Feds Plead With Congress to Pass ‘Doc Fix’ by April 15

The federal government is warning Congress that it must take action on Medicare’s “doc fix” issue before April 15 or thousands of Medicare doctors nationwide will face double-digit cuts.

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