Project Evo: Will a Video Game Be On Your RX Formulary One Day?

I'm driving through a frozen world, where the roads are paved in ice. As I swerve left to avoid a miniature iceberg, a red fish flashes at the top of my screen.

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Insurance Lobby That Fought Hillarycare and Obamacare Now Has Sturdy Bridges to Democrats

When the former head of the U.S. government’s health insurance programs was hired in July to run a lobby that had spent tens of millions of dollars trying to derail Obamacare, it was more than just another spin of Washington’s revolving door.

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No, Obamacare Isn’t Killing Full-Time Jobs, New Evidence Shows

President Obama's health-care reform hasn't meant less time on the job for American workers, according to three newly published studies that challenge one of the main arguments raised by critics of the Affordable Care Act.

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State Wants Public Health Innovations

California health officials on Thursday called on entrepreneurs and community innovators across the state to come up with out-of-the-box ideas for changing health approaches in six broad categories.

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California Weighing Closed Workers Comp Drug Formulary

California plans to implement a closed drug formulary for its workers comp system and is consulting its counterparts in Texas and Washington state in its effort to reduce opioid use and overall costs, officials said.

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California Lawmakers Will Consider Limits on Prescription Drug Costs

Besides a special session on Medi-Cal, the big health care issue waiting action by lawmakers when they return from summer recess today is the high cost of new specialized prescription drugs.

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As Lawmakers Return to Sacramento, Debate Over Healthcare Taxes Kicks Off

The debate over new taxes and fees - a dominant theme in the final weeks of the legislative session - kicked off Monday, with some Democratic lawmakers calling for a new tax on health insurance plans to pay for Medi-Cal and other social services.

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CaliforniaChoice Adding New Carrier

More info coming soon.

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House GOP Looks Ahead to Huge Medicare Overhaul in 2016

For years, Republicans have openly pined for pushing Medicare further into the private sector.

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Obama Signs California Lawmaker’s Bill To Help Veterans Save for Care

This week, President Obama signed into law a bill (HR 2514) by a California lawmaker that seeks to help veterans save money to cover health care expenses, the Lake County Record-Bee reports.

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