Demographic Disparities in California Greatly Affect Health

California public health officials have released a report highlighting how demographic disparities across the state affect physical and mental health, Payers & Providers reports. Details of Report The 96-page report was released by the California Department of Public Health’s Office of Health Equity. Overall, OHE Deputy Director Jahmal Miller said the report demonstrates how health ...

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Drug-Industry Rule Would Raise Medicare Costs

A patent law change sought by the pharmaceutical industry could cost federal health-care programs $1.3 billion over a decade by delaying new generic medicines, an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office found this summer, according to people familiar with the matter. Pharmaceutical trade groups are asking Congress to exempt drug patents from being challenged through ...

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Health Benefits Face Strategic Pruning

Finance chiefs at companies ranging from Cisco Systems Inc. to Westmoreland Coal Co. are scrutinizing employee health benefits as they face the Affordable Care Act’s looming “Cadillac tax” on generous health plans. They aren’t the only ones. Across the country, cities and states are also scrambling to figure out how many millions the tax will cost them. The ferment underscores how ...

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Federal Healthcare Spending Projections Inch Upward

Federal spending on Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and exchange subsidies will rise from 5.2% of the country’s economic output in 2015 to 6.2% in 2025, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday inupdated budget projections (PDF). The CBO said in its March report that those healthcare programs would constitute 6.1% of the country’s ...

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Few Health Savings Accounts Owners Choose To Invest That Money

Only a tiny fraction of the growing number of people with health savings accounts invests the money in their accounts in the financial markets, according to a recent study. The vast majority leave their contributions in savings accounts instead where the money may earn lower returns. People who have had their health savings accounts for a longer ...

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75% of Exchange Plans in California Use Narrow Networks

A new study finds that 75% of California’s Obamacare health plans have narrow physician networks — more limited choices than all but three other states. The latest report examines health plans sold to consumers last year under the Affordable Care Act and shows wide variation in the prevalence of narrow networks across the country. Only ...

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Why the GOP Presidential Candidates Can’t Reform Health Care

In the last few days, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio released health care plans, and other Republican candidates are sure to follow soon.

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With Mergers, Concerns Grown About Private Medicare

As some of the nation’s largest health insurers plan to merge, a new report raises fresh concern over the lack of competition in the private Medicare market.

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Tardy Tax Filers Risk Loss of Health Care Subsidies

Sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law doesn’t start for another couple of months, but the next few days are crucial for hundreds of thousands of customers at risk of losing financial aid when they renew coverage for 2016.

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2 Million Exchange Enrollees Miss Out On Cost-Sharing Assistance

More than 2 million people with coverage on the health insurance exchanges may be missing out on subsidies that could lower their deductibles, copayments and maximum out-of-pocket spending limits, according to a new analysis by Avalere Health.

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