2 Million Uninsured Californians Are Eligible for Obamacare Benefits

In advance of the Nov. 1 start of open enrollment for Covered California, new numbers show that just over half of the state’s remaining uninsured are eligible for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The estimate was part of a state-by-state analysis compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Researchers found that California has ...

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California Bill That Requires Accurate Health Provider Directories Signed Into Law

A bill that requires health care insurers to update their provider directories with accurate information has been signed by Gov. Jerry Brown and will take effect in July. The bill, introduced by state Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-West Covina, and sponsored by three statewide health advocacy and consumer groups, was proposed in response to numerous complaints ...

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Big Day for Health-Related Bills

On Thursday, Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed a bill to make health insurance companies release accurate directories of their network of physicians and other providers. It was one of 10 health-related bills the governor approved on Thursday. Other bills now becoming law include an effort to cap the cost of prescription drug co-payments and a ...

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Hospital Care Unaffected By Quality Payments

Medicare’s quality incentive program for hospitals, which provides bonuses and penalties based on performance, has not led to demonstrated improvements in its first three years, according to a federal report released Thursday.

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Bill Awaiting Brown Would Subsidize Farmworker Union’s Health Plan for 5 Years

Last year, the budget writers in Gov. Jerry Brown's administration held their noses when Democrats pushed through the Legislature a $3.2-million subsidy for a union healthcare plan.

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GAO: More Oversight Needed Over Medicare Advantage Provider Networks

The federal government needs to increase its oversight over private Medicare health plans to make sure seniors have adequate access to doctors and hospitals, according to a report released this week by congressional auditors.

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Obamacare Could Shift Many Hundreds of Millions in Claims to Worker’s Comp Insurers, Especially in California

"Hundreds of millions of dollars" in insurance claims nationally, and possibly far more, could shift from health insurers to workers' comp carriers due to Obamacare, according to a new study.

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How Scrapping the Cadillac Tax Will Drive Up Health Care Costs

From Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side to key Republican lawmakers in Washington, including Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, there is a growing bipartisan push to repeal the so-called “Cadillac Tax”...

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Insurers Find Out-Of-Network Bills As Much As 1,400 Percent Higher

It’s common knowledge that consumers have to pay more money if they choose doctors or hospitals outside of their insurance plan’s network.

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60 Percent Oppose Obamacare Cadillac Tax

The public opposes ObamaCare’s “Cadillac Tax” on high-cost health insurance plans by a wide margin, according to a new poll.

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