Agents Warned About E&O Risks in Claiming Cyber, Cannabis Expertise

Insurance agents and brokers who market themselves as experts in cannabis or cyber could wind up regretting that positioning. Because both are relatively new exposures subject to changing regulations and coverages, producers marketing themselves as experts could face scrutiny, lawsuits and possible errors and omissions claims, according to speakers at the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS).

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New Health Care Bills Before California Legislature Aim for Better Access and Affordability

Eduardo Contreras thought he would finally see some financial security this year. For some time, his family had struggled on an income of about $50,000. Then Contreras got a new job as a cook at a winery, with better pay and more hours. In 2019, he and his wife, a hotel housekeeper, expect to clear $80,000. With an increase in family income of more than 50 percent, they looked forward to some relief from the pressure.

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Mulvaney: Trump Admin to Release ObamaCare Replacement Plan ‘fairly shortly’

The Trump administration will release a health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act “fairly shortly,” acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said Sunday.

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Sanders to Roll Out Updated ‘Medicare for all’ Proposal Wednesday

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will roll out an updated version of his "Medicare for all" plan Wednesday on Capitol Hill. 

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Chambers of Commerce Remain Bullish on Association Health Plans, Despite Judge’s Ruling

Despite a judge’s ruling last week that left association health plans in flux, state and local chambers of commerce are still committed to pushing forward with such plans. 

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20 Southern California Hospitals Make Newsweek’s List of World’s Top 1,000

Twenty Southern California hospitals have been named among the top 1,000 in the world, across 11 countries, in a list compiled for the first time by Newsweek in collaboration with Statista Inc., a global marketing research and consumer data company.

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Hospitals, Insurers Want Rebate Rule Changed to Keep Pharma Honest

Insurers and hospitals want the CMS to amend its proposed rule eliminating the safe harbor for Medicare Part D and Medicaid managed-care drug rebates to include new requirements for drugmakers.

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Nevada State Senator Pushes for More Drug Price Transparency

Two years after a push for more transparency in the costs of insulin for diabetes treatment, state Sen. Yvanna Cancela is hoping to shed even more light on prescription drug prices and the health care system in Nevada.

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Six Ways Nevada Lawmakers Are Trying to Stabilize the Affordable Care Act, Reduce Drug Costs

As the Trump administration’s efforts to address high prescription drug costs and put the Affordable Care Act on the chopping block have languished, Nevada’s Democratic-controlled Legislature is taking health care into its own hands this session. Lawmakers heard six bills on Wednesday that would have significant implications for the way health care is provided in the state.

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New Challenges to Health Care Law Bring Strong Rebuke from Nevada’s State, Federal Elected Officials

The Department of Justice says it will not defend the Affordable Care Act in court. President Donald Trump is again leaning on congressional Republicans to come up with a suitable replacement to the law. In Nevada, where Obamacare is more popular than not, Democratic state and federal politicians are crying foul.

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