Ballot Measure Would Limit Drug Costs for State Programs

A new poll suggests widespread support for a measure headed for the 2016 ballot that would cap prescription drug prices paid by state programs. The California Drug Price Act would prohibit the state from using taxpayer money to pay more for any prescription drug than the amount paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. ...

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Over 540K ObamaCare Sign-Ups in First Week

More than 540,000 people selected a health insurance plan through the federal ObamaCare marketplace in the first week of this year’s sign-up period, the Obama administration announced Thursday. “It’s a solid start and I’m pleased with the consumer engagement we’ve seen over this last week,” Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Mathews ...

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Premium Pain for ‘Grandmothered’ Health Plans

If you work at a business with 50 or fewer employees, watch out for grandma this year. By that, we mean if the company has a “grandmothered” health plan, you may be in for some changes in 2016. Grandmothered is the term insurance agents and brokers have been using for pre-Obamacare policies that were allowed ...

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Insurers Are Steering Some Patients Away

Under the Affordable Care Act, insurers can no longer deny people coverage based on their health status. But nobody said anything about charging sick people more for their drugs.

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Many Eligible for ObamaCare Subsidies Not Claiming Them

Most of those eligible for health insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act are failing to claim them, according to a new study.

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Medicare Announces ‘Part B’ Premiums for Outpatient Care

Most Medicare beneficiaries will keep paying the same monthly premium for outpatient care next year, the Obama administration said Tuesday.

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Companies Continue Chipping Away at Health Insurance Benefits

Companies’ health care costs in 2015 rose at the lowest rate in at least 20 years, a report out Thursday shows, but workers' share of costs continue to skyrocket.

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Health Plans Getting More Expensive, Narrower for 2016

The picture of health insurance sold on the exchanges for 2016 is becoming clearer: Premiums are rising at a faster pace than the previous year, and insurers are gradually ditching broader networks.

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Health Exchange Hopes to Move Past Troubles in 3rd Go-Round

It's survived an IT meltdown and attempts to kill it in the Legislature. It's now facing the loss of two insurance carriers and an effort to constitutionally ban it.

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Failure of Half of U.S. Health Insurance Co-ops Sparks New GOP Criticism

Several Republicans Thursday heaped blame on the Obama administration for the failure of more than half of the cooperatives set up under the health law to infuse competition into the insurance market. The collapse of 12 out of 23 operating co-ops is providing a fresh opportunity for the GOP to criticize the Affordable Care Act ...

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