Health Insurers Grilled Over Merger

The wary and aggressive tenor of questions at a state hearing set a high bar for approval of the proposed $6.8 billion purchase of health insurance company HealthNet by Centene.

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New Federal Standards For Marketplace Plans May Reduce Out-Of-Pocket Spending

Some consumers who buy coverage on the health insurance marketplaces in 2017 could see their out-of-pocket costs drop significantly under a federal proposal to create standardized plans

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California’s Four Largest health Plans Could Owe State $10 Billion in Back Taxes

California's four largest health plans may be on the hook for $10 billion in state back taxes.

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Federal Healthcare Spending Tops Social Security For The First Time

Spending on federal healthcare programs outpaced spending on Social Security for the first time in 2015, according to an expansive report from the congressional budget scorekeeper released Monday.

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CBO Reduces Projection for 2016 ACA Exchange Enrollment by 8M

CBO previously projected that about 15 million U.S. residents would receive subsidies this year, but it has revised that projection to about 11 million individual

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Enrollment Growth in Obamacare Health Insurance Slower Than Expected

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has lowered its estimate of how many people will get coverage through the law in 2016.

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President Pushes ObamaCare As Enrollment Deadline Nears

President Obama on Saturday touted the successes of his signature healthcare law, just days before the deadline for enrolling in 2016 ObamaCare coverage ends on Jan. 31.

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States Simplify Medicaid Sign-Ups

In the past two years, 31 states and the District of Columbia have expanded eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act,

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Gov. Brown Urges Steps To End ‘Zigzag of Spend-Cut-Spend” In California

Gov. Jerry Brown used his State of the State address to challenge lawmakers to better balance the cyclical nature of success and setback that has dominated state government for the better part of two decades.

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Consumers Cut Costs By Combining Limited Coverage Health plans, Despite Penalty Risks

In 2016, the penalty is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, or 2.5 percent of household income, whichever is greater.

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