Farm Contractors Balk At Obamacare Requirements

Many contractors who provide farm labor and must now offer workers health insurance are complaining loudly about the cost in their already low-margin business.

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Insurers Back Proposed California Health Plan Tax

Most of California's health insurance companies said Wednesday they're supporting Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to restructure a tax on health plans.

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California Insurance Department Is Investigating Zenefits

Zenefits’s battle with state regulators rages on. The California Insurance Department said on Thursday that it’s been investigating the human resources software company since last year over its business practices.

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2016 Obamacare Enrollment Tops Expectations at 12.7 Million

About 12.7 million Americans enrolled in private health insurance through the federal and state marketplaces for 2016, the Obama administration said Thursday

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State’s Medi-Cal Bill For Undocumented Kids Could Rise

The cost of providing full Medi-Cal benefits to immigrant children who are in California unlawfully could be significantly more than the state’s health care agency has projected, according to experts and advocates.

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Senate Report: Illegal Immigrants benefited From Up to $750M in ObamaCare Subsidies

Illegal immigrants and individuals with unclear legal status wrongly benefited from up to $750 million in ObamaCare subsidies and the government is struggling to recoup the money, according to a new Senate report obtained by Fox News.

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Gov’t Report: 8 States Had Significant Drop in Uninsured

Eight states saw a significant drop last year in the number of residents going without health insurance, according to a government report out Tuesday that has implications for the presidential campaign.

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Drug Industry Launches Ad Campaign Aimed at Lawmakers

The pharmaceutical industry, under fire this election season for rising drug prices, is ramping up a new advertising campaign designed to improve its reputation with lawmakers as it lobbies against any effort to rein in prescription costs.

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Obama Budget To Adjust Health Insurance ‘Cadillac Tax’: Adviser

President Barack Obama will propose tailoring the controversial "Cadillac tax" on expensive private health insurance plans to reflect regional differences when he releases his 2017 budget plan next week, a senior White House adviser said in an article released on Wednesday.

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Insurance Regulation Shifting Toward Managed Care Agency

The regulation of health insurance in California is shifting dramatically toward the Department of Managed Health Care, whose share of the commercial market has mushroomed in recent years.

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