Federal Regulators Propose Increase to Medicare Advantage Rates

Federal regulators proposed what they said was a slight rise in payments for insurers that offer private Medicare plans, a closely watched figure as this coverage becomes increasingly central to the companies’ business.

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As Obamacare Plans Limit Choices, Doctors Want Provider Network Scrutiny

The move by insurance companies to sell more HMOs and health plans with narrow lists of medical care providers–particularly on public exchanges under the Affordable Care Act–has doctors calling for state legislation and closer scrutiny of insurer networks by insurance commissioners and the Obama administration.

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Health Plans’ Finances A Big Unknown In California Tax Swap Package

A $2.4 billion managed-care organization tax package awaiting votes in the California Legislature reflects the heavy imprint of the state’s health insurance industry, which pushed for major changes to avoid any tax hit that could be passed on to customers.

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HHS Failed To Heed Many Warnings That HealthCare.gov Was In Trouble

During the two years before the disastrous opening of HealthCare.gov, federal officials in charge of creating the online insurance marketplace received 18 written warnings that the mammoth project was mismanaged and off course but never considered postponing its launch, according to government investigators.

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Are Covered California’s Numbers Plateauing?

With Covered California's announcement Wednesday that 1.57 million Californians selected health plans during its third open enrollment period, at least one health care expert believes that the nation's bellwether state in implementing the Affordable Care Act is now essentially running in place.

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Employers Can Expect Health Insurance Premiums to Rise 5% a Year Over The Next Decade

Premiums for employer-provided health insurance will increase around 5 percent a year over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

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Vote on MCO Tax Looming in the California Legislature

The California state legislature could vote this week on a proposed tax on health insurance plans that would fund the Medicaid (called Medi-Cal) program to the tune of $1.27 billion annually.

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Are You Prepared for New Obamacare Tax Forms?

For tax year 2015, millions of Americans will be getting a new tax form related to health care reform measures. Will you know what to do with yours when it arrives?

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California Marketplace May Require Insurers To Pay Agent Commissions

California’s health exchange may require its health plans to pay sales commissions to insurance agents to keep insurers from shunning the sickest and costliest patients.

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Obama Budget To Adjust Health Insurance ‘Cadillac Tax’: Adviser

President Barack Obama will propose tailoring the controversial "Cadillac tax" on expensive private health insurance plans to reflect regional differences when he releases his 2017 budget plan next week, a senior White House adviser said in an article released on Wednesday.

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