Filling A Prescription? You Might Be Better Off Paying Cash

Some consumers who use health insurance copays to buy prescription drugs are paying far more than they should be and would be better off paying with cash, especially for generics.

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States offer Privacy Protections To Yong Adults On Their Parents’ Health Plan

The health law opened the door for millions of young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26. But there’s a downside to remaining on the family plan. Chances are that mom or dad, as policyholder, will get a notice from the insurer every time the grown-up kid gets medical care, a breach of privacy that many young people may find unwelcome.

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Drug Price Ad Exaggerates Initiative’s Reach

Even before polls closed in the June 7 primary election, the proponents of a fall ballot measure dealing with prescription drug costs were up on TV across California with their first ad of the campaign. Text Prescription drug costs are out of control. The drug companies make soaring profits … and we pay the price. ...

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Feds: More Than 300 Charged In Health Care Fraud

Doctors, nurses and pharmacists were among more than 300 charged with health care fraud schemes involving $900 million in false billings in what the Justice Department described Wednesday as the largest such enforcement action in U.S. history.

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Higher Earners Face Steep Hikes in Medicare Premiums

Nearly a third of all Medicare beneficiaries face a steep increase in their premiums next year, the result of a policy that in certain circumstances requires some beneficiaries, including higher earners, to shoulder the burden of rising costs.

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Medicare and Social Security Trustees Warn of Shortfalls

The Obama administration said Wednesday that the financial outlook for Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund had deteriorated slightly in the last year and that Social Security still faced serious long-term financial problems.

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Supreme Court Decision Deals Blow to Health Coverage Efforts in California

The Supreme Court decision Thursday effectively blocking President Obama’s immigration programs also comes as a blow to California legislators who have been fighting to offer health insurance to people living in the country illegally.

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California Insurance Commissioner Weighs In Against Aetna-Humana Deal

California’s insurance commissioner on Thursday recommended that federal officials block Aetna Inc.’s proposed $37 billion acquisition of Humana Inc., saying the deal would suppress market competition and harm consumers.

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Employees Would Pay Taxes On High-Value Health Plans Under Republican’s Obamacare Alternative

Business groups liked a lot of what they saw in the 37-page House Republican prescription for replacing the Affordable Care Act.

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California Drug Price Measure Fiercely Opposed By Pharmaceutical Industry

Drugmakers are waging a fierce campaign against a proposed California law that would require them to justify the costs of their treatments and disclose major price hikes.

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