Campaign to Defeat a Ballot Measure On Prescription Drug Spending Raised $47 Million This Year

Pharmaceutical companies have contributed more than $16 million this month to oppose a ballot measure that aims to limit the price the state pays for prescription drugs.

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California Lawmaker Pulls Plug On Drug Price Transparency Bill

After being approved by a key committee last week, a bill that would have required drug companies to justify treatment costs and price hikes was pulled by its author on Wednesday.

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More Californians Are Insured in 2016, But Many Still Worry About Medical Costs

Nearly three-quarters of Californians who didn’t have health coverage before the Affordable Care Act are now insured, yet many are still concerned about their medical expenses, according to a report released Thursday.

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Obamacare Patients Filled More Prescriptions but Paid Less for Drugs, Study Finds

Patients who gained health coverage through the Affordable Care Act are filling significantly more prescriptions while paying less for their drugs, according to a new study that credits the health law and adds to evidence of its benefits for previously uninsured Americans and those with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure.

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Six Years Into Obama’s Health Care Law, Who Are The Uninsured

Roughly 20 million more Americans have health insurance now than whenPresident Obama’s health care law was passed in 2010.

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People With Obamacare Plans Filled More Prescriptions, But Had Lower Costs

The 2010 health law was meant to expand insurance coverage so that Americans could get medical care they would otherwise go without — and not spend a fortune doing so. Though it’s still early, new evidence suggests this scenario is playing out.

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Can Obamacare Be Saved? Medicare’s History Shows How

Big private insurance companies bailing out of a government-sponsored healthcare program, complaining about financial losses. Hundreds of thousands of customers lose their health plans. Terminations are especially severe in rural counties, leaving virtually no competition. Total enrollment drops.

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Fed Survey: Obamacare Causing Companies to Cut Jobs

Many companies are cutting jobs in response to rising health care costs spurred by the Affordable Care Act, according to a new survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

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3 Million Californians Will Be Uninsured in 2017, Report Estimates

Health reform has greatly expanded the number of Californians with insurance, but slightly more than 3 million residents will remain uninsured in 2017, according to a new report.

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Your Health Insurance Will Cost More Next Year: Here’s What’s Driving Prices Higher

The cost of getting your health insurance through work will go up an average of 5 percent next year, according to a new survey of large employers by the National Business Group on Health.

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