House Dems Look to Strengthen Public Exchanges

House Democratic leaders are planning to use H.R. 987 — an Affordable Care Act (ACA) public exchange marketing funding bill — as a train engine for pulling many other health insurance bills to the House floor.

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Health Industry to Clash Over Surprise Medical Bills

Three powerful players in the health care industry are gearing up for battle over surprise medical bills. Doctors, hospitals and insurers have all pledged to protect patients from being hit with massive, unexpected bills for out-of-network care, but no one wants to take on the added costs that come with it.

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Washington to Offer First ‘Public Option’ Insurance in US

Washington is set to become the first state to enter the private health insurance market with a universally available public option.

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Trump Calls on Congress to End ‘Surprise Medical Bills’

President Donald Trump on Thursday called for an end to "surprise medical bills," the astonishingly high charges insured patients can face when a member of a medical team that treats them is not in their insurer's network.

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How Obamacare, Medicare and ‘Medicare For All’ Muddy the Campaign Trail

The health care debate has Democrats on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign trail facing renewed pressure to make clear where they stand: Are they for “Medicare for All”? Or will they take up the push to protect the Affordable Care Act?

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Health Plans Improve on Coverage, Benefits but Lag On Costs, Member Expectations

Consumers want more information about healthcare costs and alternative options for receiving care. Providers and payers are already moving in that direction with expanded access to and coverage of telehealth. Efforts like Aetna's app for Apple Watch — which reminds users to fill prescriptions, get wellness checkups and immunizations and informs them of lower-cost options for lab tests and imaging — could increase satisfaction, giving people more control over their health and helping to reduce out-of-pocket spend.

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Analysis Shows Single-Payer Health System Would be Messy

The highly anticipated analysis released yesterday by a nonpartisan organization on Medicare-for-all told us this much: Transitioning the United States to such a single-payer health-care system would be messy. Very messy.

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40 Percent of Employees Struggle with Health Care Costs

Forty percent of Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance struggle to pay for their health care costs, according to a new survey, and those with chronic conditions are especially hard hit.

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Broker of Record Scam Busted

Helen Lee, 39, a licensed insurance broker, has been charged with nine felony counts of identity theft after allegedly using others’ personal health information to forge fraudulent agent of records forms in the hopes of receiving unearned commissions.

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7 Million More Uninsured After ObamaCare Mandate Repeal

The repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate will result in 7 million more people without health insurance by 2021, according to new estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

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