Feds Cap Short-Term Health Insurance Duration at 3 Months

New final federal regulations could make life more complicated for issuers and users of short-term health insurance by limiting the duration of short-term health insurance to periods of three months or less.

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Some Californians See Health Premiums Rise Sharply as Obamacare Enrollment Nears

Paula Schwartz of West Los Angeles says Obamacare has helped her afford medical coverage while she cares for her aging mother. But next year, her payments will jump $92 a month, or 57%.

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Key Moves By Covered California Helped Keep Premiums Down

The nation’s ever-controversial health care law suffered a black eye last week after the federal government announced that next year’s premiums for those who depend on the Affordable Care Act would increase by an average of 22 percent.

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Double-digit Premium Hikes Unlikely to Affect Most ACA Shoppers

Health insurance premiums for the benchmark exchange plans are set to rise 25% on average in 2017—an eye-popping figure that has fueled another wave of finger-pointing among Republicans seeking to dismantle the healthcare law.

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How To Enroll In Medicare And Avoid Costly Mistakes

Your 65th birthday is coming up. Soon, you think, the government will send you a packet explaining how to enroll in Medicare — its vast health program for 46 million seniors.

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ObamaCare Architect: ‘I Wish the Mandate Penalty Was Stronger’

A key adviser who helped design President Obama’s signature healthcare law is calling for stricter penalties for people who choose not to pay for health insurance.

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Health Law Tax Penalty? I’ll Take It, Millions Say

The architects of the Affordable Care Act thought they had a blunt instrument to force people — even young and healthy ones — to buy insurance through the law’s online marketplaces: a tax penalty for those who remain uninsured.

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Open Enrollment Period for Nevada’s Obamacare Exchange begins Nov. 1

Open enrollment for 2017 health insurance plans through Nevada’s Affordable Care Act exchange begins Nov. 1.

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Cigna Hit With Racketeering Case Over Prescription Drug Costs

A Massachusetts woman is suing a Fortune 500 insurance company, claiming that it requires the network of pharmacies with which it contracts to overcharge insured patients "unauthorized and excessive amounts" for prescription drugs.

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A High-Stakes Game of Chicken on Drug Prices

California’s state government spends about $4 billion a year on prescription drugs – for low-income people in the Medi-Cal program, as well as state employees, retirees and prison inmates.

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