ACA After the Election: Perspectives from the Right

The Affordable Care Act is in the midst of the death spiral critics have long predicted.

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Rate Hikes, New Doctors: Obamacare Exchange Opens to Angst

As open enrollment starts Tuesday on the Affordable Care Act exchanges, consumers in some parts of the country are bracing for huge rate hikes, while many others are preparing to change insurers and likely doctors.

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Drug Prices, Not The Health Law, Top Voters’ Health Priorities For 2017

Until this week, when big increases in insurance premiums were unveiled for next year, the federal health law has not been a major issue in the presidential election. In fact, fixing what ails the Affordable Care Act isn’t even among voters’ top priorities for health issues for next year, according to a new poll.

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Lack of Choice in Health Insurance Markets a Growing Problem

Americans in the health insurance markets created by President Barack Obama's law will have less choice next year than any time since the program started, a new county-level analysis for The Associated Press has found.

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Aetna Exec Sees ACA Risk-Adjustment Death Spiral

The Affordable Care Act risk-adjustment program is working so poorly that it's pushing individuals and small groups that have alternatives out of the ACA-compliant coverage market, according to Mark Bertolini.

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California Today: The Drug Industry Has Spent $109 Million to Kill Prop 61. Here’s Why

The pharmaceutical industry has contributed $109 million to defeat Proposition 61, the most money raised for or against any of the 17 statewide ballot initiatives this year.

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Health Law Tax Penalty? I’ll Take It, Millions Say

The architects of the Affordable Care Act thought they had a blunt instrument to force people — even young and healthy ones — to buy insurance through the law’s online marketplaces: a tax penalty for those who remain uninsured.

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As Insurers Cut Brokers’ Commissions, Consumers May Have One Less Tool For Enrollment

With open enrollment set to begin today, some health insurance brokers are already fielding questions about coverage and whether existing plans will still be available next year. For an increasing number of brokers, there’s also another question: Will they get paid?

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Employer Groups Hope Congress Passes ACA Subsidy Clarification Bills

Employer groups are hopeful that Congress will use the lame-duck session to pass legislation to help prevent employees from incorrectly claiming health insurance subsidies in the Obamacare marketplaces.

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Blue Shield Again Owes Californians Millions In Health Care Rebates

About 240,000 Californians with job-based health coverage may have been surprised by a recent letter from Blue Shield of California saying the company owes them money, not the other way around.

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