Administration Crosses Fingers for Robust Obamacare Enrollment

Consumer advocates and Obama administration officials started working Tuesday to sign up millions of consumers for Obamacare coverage as the fourth open enrollment period kicks off.

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Anthem Says It May Trim Obamacare Participation in 2018

U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc on Wednesday raised the prospect of smaller participation in the individual Obamacare exchanges in 2018, saying it would have a market-by-market strategy that hinges on 2017 profitability.

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Public Option for U.S. Health Insurance Gains Visibility in Debate Over Affordable Care Act

Advocates and opponents are gearing up for a life or death battle over a problematic Affordable Care Act in 2017, and the idea of a government option in health insurance is gaining some traction among Democratic legislators.

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Why Health Care Eats More of Your Paycheck Every Year

Millions of Americans are finding out this month that the price of their health insurance is going up next year — as it did this year, last year, and most of the years before that.

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Why Covered California’s Rate Hikes Are Lower Than The Rest Of The U.S.

Starting Tuesday, Nov. 1, through Jan. 31, Californians who don’t have employer-based health insurance or Medicare can sign up for health insurance through the state’s marketplace, Covered California. That’s the easy news.

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Health Policy Issues and the 2016 Presidential Election

Health policy has become a highly charged partisan issue in American politics. Each party claims its policies will improve the quality, efficiency, and availability of American health care, while the other party’s policies will destroy what is good about the health care system that Americans enjoy now.

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As Insurers Cut Brokers’ Commissions, Consumers May Have One Less Resource

With open enrollment underway as of Tuesday, some health insurance brokers are already fielding questions about coverage and whether existing plans will still be available next year. For an increasing number of brokers, in California and elsewhere, there’s also another question: How much will they get paid, if at all?

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Aiming for Supermajority, California Democrats Play the Trump Card

The one shred of power Republicans hold in the California statehouse — enough seats to block Democratic lawmakers from having a “supermajority” — is on the brink in this election.

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Poll Shows Tight Contest for California Drug Price Initiative

The battle to convince California voters to approve a ballot initiative aimed at curbing prescription drug prices appears to be tightening as the pharmaceutical industry steps up its attacks, according to poll results released on Friday.

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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Health Care Policy

As many as 140 million Americans will have already voted for president, members of the U.S. House and Senate, governors and state legislators by the end of Monday in an election that will have a major impact on the future direction of U.S. health care.

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