Trump Administration Proposes New Obamacare Regulation That Could Make ‘Special Enrollments’ Tougher

The Trump administration filed notice of a proposed new federal rule on Obamacare — and a person involved in its development says it could tighten up restrictions on people signing up for individual health plans in so-called special enrollment periods.

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Health Savings Accounts Are Back In The Policy Spotlight

They are just three little words — "health savings accounts" — but they are generating a lot of buzz as Republicans contemplate plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

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Aetna, UnitedHealth Show Increasing Appetite for Value-Based Care Contracts

The biggest health insurers are moving quickly towards to value-based care arrangements, their recent earnings reports show. While Aetna has long-held a goal to reach 75 to 80 percent of its medical spend in value-based relationships by 2020, Aetna's medical spend is now 45 percent tied to value, CEO Mark Bertolini said during last week's fourth quarter earnings call.

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GOP Hopes to Mitigate Insurers’ Bailing Under Obamacare Replacement

The Trump administration and Capitol Hill Republicans are trying to stabilize the individual health insurance market, hoping to keep insurers from canceling plans or raising rates in 2018 as uncertainty builds over what a replacement for Obamacare might look like.

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Potential Repeal of Affordable Care Act Leaves Uncertainty for Nevada Lawmakers, Budget

Looming over the upcoming legislative session is the big unknown of whether Congress will repeal the Affordable Care Act and what it would mean for Nevada.

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House Republicans Offer Bills To Stabilize The Individual Insurance Market

House Republicans have filed four separate bills intended to stabilize the individual insurance market while they pursue their strategy of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.

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Demand For Popular Short-Term Insurance Plans Could Surge If Health Law Is Relaxed

Short-term health plans have been around for decades, bridging coverage gaps for people who are between jobs or have recently graduated from school, among other things. After the health law passed, some people gravitated toward them because they were willing to trade comprehensive coverage for a cheaper sticker price — even if it meant paying a tax penalty for not having the comprehensive coverage required in the law. Sales increased.

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Healthcare Industry Celebrates ‘One-In, Two-Out’ Trump Executive Order Despite Unknowns

Healthcare industry stakeholders are lauding President Donald Trump's latest executive order, which requires executive departments or agencies to remove at least two previously implemented regulations for every new one issued.

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Chair Says GOP Doesn’t Want to Rush Health Care Overhaul

A leader of the Republican effort to revamp President Barack Obama's health care law says the message from GOP lawmakers at last week's private strategy session was for "a very deliberate, thoughtful approach."

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Are High-Value Health Plans the Wave of the Future?

As the destiny of the Affordable Care Act commands the attention of the healthcare arena, two researchers have proposed a new way to design health insurance plans that could win bipartisan support—and has already started to do so.

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