Will CMS’ Decision to Extend Non-ACA Compliant Plans Help or Hurt the Market

The Trump administration will allow insurers and consumers to extend for an additional year individual and small-group health plans that do not comply with the Affordable Care Act's coverage rules.

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LA County Health Chief Wants To “Catch” People Dropped From Coverage

Los Angeles County arguably has more to lose than any other California county if the Affordable Care Act is repealed or dramatically scaled back.

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Advocates of Flat-Fee Primary Care See Opening In GOP’s Market-Driven Approach

Back in the day, people paid for routine primary care on their own and used insurance only when something serious came up. Some primary care doctors are betting that model can thrive again through a monthly subscription for routine care and a high-deductible insurance policy to take care of the big stuff.

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Trump: Obamacare Replacement Coming in “a couple of weeks”

President Trump said on Saturday that a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act will come "in a couple of weeks."

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Single-Payer Health Care Bill Introduced In California Senate

Legislation introduced in the state Senate Friday would set California on a path toward the possible creation of a single-payer health care system ― a proposal that has failed to gain traction here in the past.

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House GOP Leaders Outline Plan to Replace Obama Health Care Act

House Republican leaders on Thursday presented their rank-and-file members with the outlines of their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, leaning heavily on tax credits to finance individual insurance purchases and sharply reducing federal payments to the 31 states that have expanded Medicaid eligibility.

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A Trump Ally in Congress Warns His State, California, to Make Nice

Representative Kevin McCarthy, the majority leader, keeps a souvenir from a dinner the night before this year’s inauguration behind his desk: an embossed menu autographed by Donald J. Trump. The president-elect was at his table. Mr. McCarthy is not only the second-most powerful Republican in the House — he is also one of the earliest and most earnest supporters of the new president.

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House Riles California with Vote to Block State Retirement Law to Help Low-Income Workers

Over the protest of California’s governor and Senate leader, the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted to block the state from moving forward with its novel plan to provide a path toward retirement security for nearly 7 million low-income Californians.

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Health Law’s 10 Essential Benefits: A Look At What’s At Risk In GOP Overhaul

As Republicans look at ways to replace or repair the health law, many suggest shrinking the list of services insurers are required to offer in individual and small group plans would reduce costs and increase flexibility. That option came to the forefront last week when Seema Verma, who is slated to run the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the Trump administration, noted at her confirmation hearing that coverage for maternity services should be optional in those health plans.

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Young Millennials Drive HSA Growth

HSAs are increasingly gaining traction in the workplace — but primarily for the youngest members of the workforce, the second annual State of Employee Benefits report from Benefitfocus shows.

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