What Would Single-Payer Healthcare Look Like in California? Lawmakers Release New Details

A proposal in California for a single-payer healthcare system would dramatically expand the state government's presence in medical care and slash the role of insurance companies.

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White House Officials Offer Change to Health-Care Bill

White House officials made a new offer to conservative House Republicans late Monday on the GOP's failed health care bill, hoping to resuscitate a measure that crashed spectacularly less than two weeks ago.

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Wall Street Analyst Says Anthem is Likely to Exit Many Obamacare Exchanges

Anthem, a major health insurer, is “leaning toward exiting” many of the areas in which it sells insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges, according to Wall Street analysts who met with the company.

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Republican Moderates Reject Group Talks With House Freedom Caucus

Moderate House Republicans have apparently rejected having group negotiations about a possible compromise on health care with the conservative House Freedom Caucus — the most critical group in sinking the Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.

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The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs

When Republicans pulled their Affordable Care Act replacement bill last Friday, Lauren Lake’s primary reaction was relief.

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California Officials, Insurers: Health Care “An Ongoing Battle”

Buoyed by Congress’ failed attempt last week to replace the Affordable Care Act, California officials, health advocates and insurance executives are pressing forward on a new phase of resistance against GOP efforts to weaken the health care law.

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Health Subsidies for Low Earners Will Continue Through 2017, G.O.P Says

Senior House Republicans said Thursday that they expected the federal government to continue paying billions of dollars in subsidies to health insurance companies to keep low-income people covered under the Affordable Care Act for the rest of this year — and perhaps for 2018 as well.

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Trump Administration to Continue Obamacare Insurer Payments During House Lawsuit

The Trump administration will continue ObamaCare's insurer payments while a House lawsuit runs its course.

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Trump’s Effort To Lure Consumers To Exchanges Could Bring Skimpier Plans

Will opening the door to cheaper, skimpier marketplace plans with higher deductibles and copays attract consumers and insurers to the exchanges next year? That’s what the Trump administration is betting on.

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Visualizing Health Policy: U.S. Public Opinion on Health Care Reform, 2017

This Visualizing Health Policy infographic spotlights public opinion on health reform in the United States as of 2017. The largest percentage of Democrats and Republicans give top priority to lowering out-of-pocket costs for health care.

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