White House Officials, Craving Progress, Push Revised Health Bill

White House officials, desperate to demonstrate progress on President Trump’s promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, are pushing to resurrect a Republican health care bill before his 100th day in office next week.

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No On SB 562: CAHU Outlines The Issues

SB 562 would establish a state-run single-payer health care system. All Californians will lose their current health plans, to be replaced by government run health care, with benefits yet to be determined, to be serviced by a government-run entity populated with political appointees yet to be identified, to include provisions yet to be named - all paid for by a doubling of your annual tax bill.

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Getting Rid of Health Law Subsidies Could Cost Government Billions More Than It Would Save

Counting down to a budget deadline, the White House has toyed with a hardball health care tactic to force Democrats to yield on President Donald Trump's priorities.

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Drugmakers Dramatically Boosted Lobbying Spending In Trump’s First Quarter

Eight pharmaceutical companies more than doubled their lobbying spending in the first three months of 2017, when the Affordable Care Act was on the chopping block and high drug prices were clearly in the crosshairs of Congress and President Donald Trump.

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Drug Price Transparency Bill Clears Key Hurdle in California Legislature

Controversial California legislation requiring drug companies to justify treatment costs and price hikes jumped one more hurdle Thursday, just a few weeks before the end of the legislative session.

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UnitedHealth 1Q Profit Soars as ACA Business Shrinks

UnitedHealth's first-quarter profit soared 35 percent as the nation's biggest health insurer slashed participation in Affordable Care Act exchanges but grew just about every other part of its business.

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California Hospitals Lose Ground In Quality of Care, Report Card Shows

Nearly half of California hospitals received a grade of C or lower for patient safety on a national report card aimed at prodding medical centers to do more to prevent injuries and deaths.

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Ending One Obamacare subsidy Would Increase Costs of Another

Ending one of the private insurance subsidies created by Obamacare to help more than 7 million people pay for their coverage would end up costing — not saving —the federal government money, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation released Tuesday.

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Health Insurers Make Case for Subsidies, but Get Little Assurance From Administration

Health insurers pressed Trump administration officials on Tuesday to continue billions of dollars in subsidies for low-income people buying plans under the federal health care law, but left with nothing that would dissipate the fog of uncertainty hanging over the industry.

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Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices

Congressional hearings. Federal investigations. Consumer outrage. In the wake of developments like these, many drug company executives are laying low. Their favored business models, based on raising drug prices indiscriminately, are now seen as a liability; many pharmaceutical companies are curbing increases on their products and accepting that this once-lucrative jig may be up.

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