Do High-Risk Pools Work? It Depends

If the American Health Care Act ultimately becomes law, states will have the option to once again let insurers on the individual market charge those with preexisting conditions more than healthy people. Among the more contentious pieces of the AHCA, which the House of Representatives passed narrowly on Thursday, is a provision allowing states to request waivers to rules otherwise forbidding higher premiums based on a person’s health status. To get a waiver, states would have to explain how their approach would reduce premium growth and increase enrollment or competition; a late amendment to the bill added $8 billion to help defray higher costs to individuals with health conditions.

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Single-Payer Bill Advances in Sacramento

You may have read the California State Senate Health Committee recently approved Senate Bill (S.B.) 562, a measure that would create a single-payer health care system in the Golden State. It will next be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee – where it is sure to face tough questions about funding for the sweeping overhaul of the health insurance system in California.

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Running Short On Time, Covered California And Insurers Seek Obamacare Answers From GOP

With a deadline looming, California’s health exchange and a major insurer pressed Republican leaders in Washington to clear up confusion over their commitment to key provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

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Covered California Premiums Could Soar If Feds Stop Enforcing ACA

Premiums for health plans sold on Covered California, the insurance exchange created under the Affordable Care Act, could spike nearly 50 percent if the federal government stops enforcing two of the law’s key provisions that have been put in question under President Trump, according to a new analysis by Covered California and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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Trump Wants Health-Care Bill to Protect Pre-Existing Conditions

President Donald Trump said Monday the Republican health-care bill being negotiated in Congress ultimately will protect Americans with pre-existing conditions as well as Obamacare does.

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“Trump Rates” or Obamacare Rates? Health Plans Can Send Both to California Regulators

When California health insurance companies begin setting 2018 rates next week, they’ll be able to offer two different projections without committing to either one.

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Lobbying by Hospitals, Doctors, Slows GOP Health Care Drive

"Obamacare" is showing surprising staying power, thanks in large part to doctors, hospitals and other health industry players opposing the alternatives that Republicans have proposed.

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It May Not Be Time For Single-Payer Health Care in California, Assembly Leader Says

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, visited The Bee Capitol Bureau on Wednesday to discuss some of the biggest issues facing the California Legislature this year.

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The Majority of Americans Want Trump to do Something About Prescription Drug Prices

Americans are still looking for ways to confront the rising cost of prescription drugs.

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Key Provisions of Proposed GOP Health Care Compromise

House Republicans are debating a proposed compromise that might help them revive stalled legislation to roll back much of Democratic President Barack Obama's health care law. The broader bill would rework subsidies for private insurance, limit federal spending on Medicaid for low-income people and cut taxes on upper-income individuals used to finance Obama's overhaul.

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