Trump Administration May Terminate SHOP Enrollment On Next Year

Citing very low enrollment, the Trump administration on Monday proposed that beginning in 2018 small businesses would no longer be able to enroll workers in health insurance plans through the federal Obamacare marketplace

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The White House Budget Director Dropped A Hint About How Trump Could Bring Drug Prices Down

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney dropped a surprising clue Thursday about how President Trump might bring drug prices down, describing the kind of government intervention that traditionally has been supported by Democrats.

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Anthem Stops Trying to Buy Cigna, Keeps Fighting Over Damages

Annthem Inc. is finally ending its soured, $48-billion bid to buy rival Cigna Corp., but the nation's second-largest health insurer isn't giving up a fight over whether Cigna deserves a termination fee for the scrapped deal.

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Senate GOP Examining Ways to Repeal Obamacare Insurance Rules

Senate Republicans are looking into repealing Obamacare regulations on what services an insurance plan must cover, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said Thursday.

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Bipartisan Bill Will Be Reintroduced to Force Pharma to Justify Price Hikes

A bipartisan group of lawmakers will re-introduce a bill on Tuesday that would require drug makers to justify their pricing and provide a breakdown of their expenses before raising prices on some medicines.

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Medicaid Expansion, Reversed by House, Is Back on Table in Senate

Senate negotiators, meeting stiff resistance to the House’s plans to sharply reduce the scope and reach of Medicaid, are discussing a compromise that would maintain the program’s expansion under the Affordable Care Act but subject that larger version of Medicaid to new spending limits.

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Kaiser Raises Record $4.4 Billion in White-Hot Hospital Bond Market

Kaiser Permanente raised $4.4 billion through a series of three bond offerings this month.

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Nevada Health Panel Approves Insulin Price Disclosure Bill

A proposal aiming to force pharmaceutical companies to disclose how they set insulin prices cleared its first hurdle at the Nevada Legislature on Wednesday, without a provision that sought a price cap on insulin.

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CMS Gives States Until 2022 To Meet Medicaid Standards of Care

The Trump administration has given states three extra years to carry out plans for helping elderly and disabled people receive Medicaid services without being forced to go into nursing homes.

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CBO to Issue Cost Estimate of House Health-Care Bill Within Two Weeks

The Congressional Budget Office is planning to release the week of May 22 an assessment of how the health-care legislation that the House just passed will impact federal spending.

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