California To Pay About $1.3 Billion For Medicaid Expansion In First Year Of State Contributions

California will contribute about $1.3 billion to its Medi-Cal expansion this year, a new expenditure that will further strain an already burdened health care budget.

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Lobby Groups to Watch in Senate Healthcare Fight

Lobbying groups opposed to the House’s healthcare reform bill are pinning their hopes on the Senate for big changes.

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Democratic Attorneys General Seek to Intervene in Obamacare Case

More than a dozen Democratic attorneys general on Thursday sought to intervene to defend a key part of the Obamacare healthcare law - subsidy payments to insurance companies - which is under threat in a court case.

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House May Need to Vote Again on GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill

House Republicans barely managed to pass their Obamacare repeal bill earlier this month, and they now face the possibility of having to vote again on their controversial health measure.

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Blue Shield Has Highest Share Of Enrollees In Covered California

Blue Shield of California has the largest number of enrollees in the Covered California health insurance exchange, widening its lead over rivals Anthem Blue Cross and Kaiser Permanente, according to recently released data.

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Trump Budget Proposal Would Slash Medicaid

President Donald Trump's budget proposal to be presented Tuesday reflects the same $800 billion cut to Medicaid over a decade that was in the bill which last month passed the House. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that could lead to 10 million people losing healthcare insurance over 10 years.

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Divisions Emerge in the Senate on Pre-Existing Conditions

Senate Republicans are showing early divisions over what to do about Obamacare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

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Word & Brown’s Exclusive API Online Enrollment Integration with EaseCentral Gets Positive Broker Feedback

Word & Brown General Agency announced today it has received an overwhelming, enthusiastic response from brokers using its WBQuote Application Program Interface (API) integration with the EaseCentral online enrollment (OLE) platform. The updated technology enables brokers to easily quote plans at and quickly move their groups into online enrollment with a click of a button.

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California Agents Fight Single-Payer Health Bill

California insurance agents and advisors are teaming up with insurers and employers in the state to stop Senate Bill 562, a bill that could create a universal, government-funded health care program for all California residents.

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California Governor Urges State Budget Restraint Amid Obamacare Repeal Effort

At the unveiling of his revised $183 billion budget proposal on Thursday, California Gov. Jerry Brown pointed to a chart showing that nearly $125 billion dollars in federal health care dollars would disappear over the course of a decade if Republicans dismantle the Affordable Care Act as proposed.

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