Dropout Trend Continues Under Trump

Continuing a dropout trend seen in the Obama years, about 16 percent of consumers who signed up for coverage this year through public health insurance markets had canceled their plans by early spring, the government said Monday.

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GOP Senators Call on Trump Administration to Relax Ban on Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

As the Senate continues to grapple with repealing the Affordable Care Act, 14 Republican senators are pushing the Trump administration to relax a ban on short-term health insurance plans in the interim.

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Proposed California Budget Bill Would Give Medi-Cal Doctors a Raise

California lawmakers introduced legislation Monday that would allow $465 million in higher payments for doctors and dentists who provide publicly funded care.

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Why Doctors’ Offices Could Become Obsolete

A man showing early signs of a heart attack — detected by a bot tracking his heart activity from a sensor on his wrist — is picked up by a self-driving car that checks his vital signs on the way to the hospital. There, his doctors video-conference with a specialist, who assesses his symptoms through a Skype-like screen and recommends a treatment plan.

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High Court Ruling Speeds Up Generic Biotech Drug Approval

A unanimous Supreme Court is speeding up the time for generic biotech drugs to become available to the public in a ruling that means a loss of billions in sales to the makers of original versions.

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Senate GOP Moderates Signal Openness to Ending Medicaid Expansion Funding

Moderate Republican senators from Medicaid expansion states are dropping their opposition to ending the Affordable Care Act's enhanced federal funding for expansion as they embrace the idea of winding down that funding over several years.

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Medi-Cal Patients Flocking to ERs More than Before ACA

Medi-Cal patients are swamping California emergency rooms in greater numbers than they did before the Affordable Care Act took effect, despite predictions that the health law would ease the burden on ERs.

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Nevada Takes on PBMs and Pharma in Broad Drug-Pricing Transparency Bill

A Nevada drug-pricing bill that targeted diabetes drugmakers didn’t make it past the governor’s veto pen, but state lawmakers renewed their efforts with a new bill that not only zeroes in on pharma, but pharmacy benefit managers, too. And this time, the governor is more supportive, according to one report.

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Sandoval Vetoes Bill Requiring Advance Notice of Price Hikes for Diabetes-Related Drugs

Gov. Brian Sandoval on Friday vetoed a bill that would have required drug manufacturers to notify the state in advance of planned price increases for diabetes-related drugs, among other provisions.

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Nevada Legislature Passes Medicaid for All

There are still many hurdles to go before the bill would become a reality — namely, Gov. Brian Sandoval. Sandoval has supported Medicaid expansion, but hasn't said whether he will sign the bill. There are also plenty of outstanding questions, such as the plan design and plan costs.

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