6 Favorable Changes to HSAs Under GOP Health Bill: HSA Bank Report

Current legislature sitting in Congress – including the American Health Care Act – indicates favorable changes for health savings accounts (HSAs).

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Democrats Introduce Bill to Bring Back Reinsurance in Individual Market

Four Democratic senators have introduced a bill that would make reinsurance a permanent part of the Affordable Care Act's individual exchanges.

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California Doctors Feeling Sick About New State Budget

When the California Medical Association lent its support to Prop. 56 last year, they expected to get something in return if it passed: a Medi-Cal pay raise.

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How California Made Obamacare Work

While several states are fretting over potential health insurer shortages and lofty rate hikes for 2018 individual coverage, California's exchange seems to be a shining example of an insurance exchange gone right.

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Trump Tells Senators House Health Bill “Mean”

President Donald Trump told Republican senators Tuesday that the House-passed health care bill he helped revive is “mean” and urged them to craft a version that is “more generous,” congressional sources said.

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California Nixes Plan To Offer Full Medicaid Benefits To Undocumented Young Adults

As they scrambled to finalize next year’s state budget, California lawmakers this week abruptly dropped a plan to offer full Medicaid benefits to young adults living in the country illegally.

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California ER Use Jumps Despite Medicaid Expansion

Emergency room visits by people on Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program, rose 75% over five years from 800,000 in the first quarter of 2012 to 1.4 million in the last quarter of 2016, according to California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.

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Senate Republicans Draft Obamacare Repeal Bill Behind Closed Doors

Top Senate Republicans and their staff are plowing ahead with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare in the hopes of getting legislation on the floor by mid-summer — even if their own GOP colleagues have no idea what the bill will contain.

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A Democrat’s Well-Reasoned SB 562 Slam: “Illegal, Unworkable and Ill-Informed”

I am a lifelong Democrat who has worked for more than a decade to improve the policies and build the coalitions necessary for the success of the Affordable Care Act. Even so, I believe the ACA didn’t go far enough to guarantee universal and affordable health coverage.

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Uncertainty Over Federal Money Could Spur Covered California Rate Hikes

If the federal government does not clarify by mid-August whether it will continue an important health insurance subsidy for consumers next year, California’s state-run exchange will instruct its insurers to sell plans with significantly higher premiums to cover the loss of the money.

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