The Union That Roars: Nurses Aren’t Giving Up On California’s Single-Payer Push

To some, the California Nurses Association’s political tactics in pushing for a single-payer health system seemed a bit, well, extreme.

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Feinstein Says Senate Democrats “Very Close” to Defeating Republican Health Care Bill

Sen. Dianne Feinstein issued a stinging rebuke Friday to the push by congressional Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare, condemning her GOP colleagues for advancing a health care bill she said was written in private “by 13 white men.”

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Brokers Sound Off: The 2017 BenefitsPRO Health Care Survey

A lot can change in just one year. Last summer, benefits professionals anticipated the likely election of Hillary Clinton and the continuation and possible expansion of the Affordable Care Act. Now they are adjusting to the brave new world of a Donald Trump administration and an uncertain future for national health policy.

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House Republicans Consider Repeal of Obamacare’s Insurance Mandate

An appropriations bill approved last week by the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government includes language that no funding should be used by the IRS to "implement or enforce" ObamaCare's individual mandate.

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Should GOP Health Bill Prevail, Say Bye-Bye To Insurance Rebates

Many consumers collected unexpected rebates after the Affordable Care Act became law, possibly with a note explaining why: Their insurer spent more of their revenue from premiums on administration and profits than the law allowed, so it was payback time.

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Crippling Medicaid Cuts Could Upend Rural Health Services

One of the key aims of the House and Senate bills is reversing the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid. But the legislation also would institute changes to the federal-state health program for low-income residents that could devastate states such as Georgia that didn’t expand Medicaid. Georgia already ranks 45th in the nation in per capita Medicaid spending, according to the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute.

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Obamacare Marketplaces Just Had Their Most Profitable First Quarter Ever

Insurers in the Affordable Care Act marketplaces earned an average of nearly $300 per member in the first quarter of 2017, more than double what they earned in a similar period in the marketplaces’ previous three years, according to new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Senate Delays Healthcare Bill Vote Until After July 4 Recess

The decision comes just one day after the Congressional Budget Office revealed its analysis of the Senate bill, saying the plan would cause 22 million to lose their health coverage by 2026. The House's American Health Care Act had a similar impact with 23 million projected to lose their coverage.

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Single-Payer Health Care Put on Hold in California as Leader Calls Bill “Woefully Incomplete”

A proposal to bring universal health care to California — replacing the private insurance market with a government-run single-payer plan — was abruptly put on hold Friday by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, all but ensuring the nationally touted measure will not pass the Legislature this year.

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Senate Health Bill Reels as CBO Predicts 22 Million More Uninsured

Two Republicans, Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, said Monday that they would vote against even debating the health care bill, joining Senator Dean Heller of Nevada, who made the same pledge on Friday. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin hinted that he, too, would probably oppose taking up the bill on a procedural vote expected as early as Tuesday, meaning a collapse could be imminent.

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