Senate Health Committee Schedules Two More Obamacare Hearings

The Senate Health Committee has scheduled two more hearings to help in crafting a bipartisan healthcare bill.

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Bipartisan Group of Governors Calls on Congress to Shore Up Parts of Affordable Care Act

A bipartisan group of governors is trying to jump-start efforts to strengthen private insurance under the Affordable Care Act, urging Congress to take prompt action to stabilize marketplaces created by the law while giving states more freedom from its rules.

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Trump Officials Slash Advertising, Grants to Help Americans Get Affordable Care Act Insurance

The Trump administration is gutting federal funds that help Americans sign up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, cutting grants to grass-roots groups that assist with enrollment by 40 percent and slashing an advertising budget from $100 million to $10 million.

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For Millions Of Insured Californians, State Health Laws Don’t Apply

Last year, California’s two health insurance regulators received more than 1,000 requests for help from consumers in self-funded plans. The departments have no authority over those plans and had to refer many of the enrollees to the U.S. Department of Labor, which regulates them.

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Single-Payer Health Care Revived? California Lawmakers to Hold Hearing this Fall

After the swift rise and sudden crash of California’s ambitious single-payer legislation, complete with melodramatic fallout, universal health care is back — not on the floor, but on the table.

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Congress Facing Deadline to Renew CHIP

Congress is approaching a healthcare deadline with enormous stakes for millions of people — and this time it isn't about ObamaCare.

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4 Steps That Could Cut Health Insurance Premiums And Boost Enrollment

Congress and the Trump administration could boost insurance coverage by a couple of million people and lower premiums by taking a few actions to stabilize the Affordable Care Act insurance markets, according to a new analysis by the consulting firm Oliver Wyman.

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In Trump States, Sanders Tries to Push Democrats to the Left on Health Care

It looked just like a campaign launch, from the line winding around the Fellowship Chapel Church, to the tailgaters giving away hot dogs, to the 2,000 voters who eventually packed inside.

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What Happens If You’re Forced To Switch Health Plans When You’re Sick?

Joanna Joshua, 39, panicked when she opened a letter from her family’s insurer, Cigna, only to learn it was pulling out of California’s individual market next year.

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Trump’s Threats on Health Law Hide an Upside: Gains Made by Some Insurers

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act achieved a major victory this past week when, thanks to cajoling and arm-twisting by state regulators, the last “bare” county in America — in rural Ohio — found an insurer willing to sell health coverage through the law’s marketplace there. So despite earlier indications that insurance companies would stop offering coverage under the law in large parts of the country, insurers have now agreed to sell policies everywhere.

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