Pharma Strikes Back at Nevada Pricing Law with Lawsuit Alleging it’s “Unprecedented and Unconstitutional”

Earlier this year, Nevada became one of the first states in the country to implement drug price regulations as legislation on the issue stalled at a national level. The pharma industry now has its response: a lawsuit alleging that the state’s new law violates the Constitution in four ways.

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How Medicaid, and its Costs, Grew in Nevada

Nevada’s Medicaid program, caught in the political crossfire over rising health-care costs, is far different than the limited federal-state health insurance partnership for the “deserving poor” that President Lyndon Johnson unveiled in 1965.

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Heller Walks Tightrope on Obamacare Repeal

The Nevada Republican, considered the most vulnerable GOP senator in the 2018 midterm reelections, is under attack from both the right and the left and is trying to stake out a middle ground.

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Congress’ Tight Timetable Complicates Renewal Of Children’s Health Plan

A popular federal-state program that provides health coverage to millions of children in lower- and middle-class families is up for renewal Sept. 30.

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Week Ahead: Congress Returns to Take Up Bipartisan Health Care Effort

The Senate's Health Committee will hold two hearings in the coming week on a bipartisan healthcare bill, with testimony from governors and state insurance officials on Wednesday and Thursday, in addition to two more hearings the following week.

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Senate Push on Bipartisan Health Proposal Signals Deeper Rift Between GOP, Trump

A number of Senate Republicans are gathering behind a bipartisan push to shore up the Affordable Care Act, reflecting a growing divide between President Donald Trump and many GOP senators.

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Kamala Harris Joins with Bernie Sanders to Back “Medicare-for-All” Health Care Bill

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris on Wednesday told a crowd of mostly liberal activists that she plans to co-sponsor a “Medicare-for-all” bill pushed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that would create a national health insurance system.

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Sanders Single-Payer Bill Poses Dilemma for 2020 Dem Hopefuls

Sanders, who energized liberals with his improbable run at the White House last year, is poised to introduce a long-awaited single-payer bill when Congress returns to Washington this month. The liberal icon insists it's not a litmus test for the Democrats, but he’s actively seeking endorsements. Outside liberal groups are watching closely, with some hinging their own endorsements on a candidate’s support for the Sanders health-care model.

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Why One California County Went Surgery Shopping

Frustration with sky-high hospital bills and a lack of local competition is common to many employers and consumers across the country after years of industry consolidation. Fed up with wildly different price tags for routine operations, some private employers are steering patients they insure to top-performing providers who offer bargain prices. Santa Barbara County, with about 4,000 employees, is among a handful of public entities to join them.

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Paul Ryan Calls Alternative Health-Care Proposal “Intriguing”

House Speaker Paul Ryan said a health-care plan floated by Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana “has got merit and has legs under it.” The comments, in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, are Ryan’s most encouraging words yet for a proposal that grew out of the Senate’s failure to overhaul Obamacare.

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