Obamacare Enrollment Starts Nov. 1. Here’s What You Need to Know

Choosing the right health insurance plan can be a cumbersome process, and this year’s political back-and-forth over Obamacare has made it seem even more confusing.

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Single Payer Sparring Match Between Dem Gubernatorial Candidates

The two leading Democrats for California governor on Sunday split over how to achieve universal health care, with Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom defending his support for a government-run, single-payer system and former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa dismissing as “pie in the sky” plans that don’t include viable financing methods.

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IRS Sets 2018 Health Savings Account Limits, House Votes To Expand HSAa Under Trumpcare

Get ready to really stuff your health savings account. The Internal Revenue Service just announced the 2018 inflation-adjusted limits for health savings accounts, and they’re up. For 2018, you can contribute up to $3,450 (up from $3,400 in 2017) for single coverage, or up to $6,900 (up from $6,750 in 2017) for family coverage.

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McConnell Says He’ll Bring the Bipartisan Affordable Care Act Fix Up for a Vote if Trump Backs It

The plan to fix parts of the Affordable Care Act and stabilize health insurance markets is backed by 12 Republican and 48 Democratic senators. It would reinstate federal payments to insurers that Trump cut off this month, offering millions of Americans some relief from rising premiums and shaky insurance markets. It would also give states some new flexibility to offer cheaper, less generous health plans.

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IRS Says It Will Reject Tax Returns That Lack Health Insurance Disclosure

In the latest signal that the Affordable Care Act is still law, the Internal Revenue Service said this week that it is taking steps to enforce the most controversial provision: the tax penalty people face if they refuse to obtain health insurance.

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California Lawmakers Kick Off Health Care Hearings

As California health care officials brace themselves for changes to the Affordable Care Act by President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress, state lawmakers today and Tuesday will hold a hearing examining the gaps in coverage and financing of California’s current system. Among the topics expected to be front and center is single-payer health care and Senate Bill 562, introduced earlier this year by Senators Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, and Toni Atkins, D-San Diego. That controversial proposal would replace California’s private health insurance market with a single, government-run plan with no premiums or deductibles for nearly 40 million Californians. Though the bill passed the Senate on June 1, it has been put on hold by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon because it does...

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Federal Judge Skeptical Of Claims That Dropping Subsidies Hurts Consumers

A federal judge Monday expressed skepticism that President Donald Trump’s decision to halt certain health law insurance subsidies would cause consumers immediate harm, as California and many other states claim in a lawsuit.

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ACA Enrollment Schedule May Lock Millions Into Unwanted Health Plans

Millions of Americans with insurance through the Affordable Care Act could find themselves locked into health plans they do not want for the coming year because of the Trump administration’s schedule for the enrollment season that starts in less than two weeks.

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Dem Pushes Back On CHIP Extension Proposal

Disagreements over how to pay for an extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) could result in a partisan bill reaching the House floor as soon as this week, a top House Democrat said Monday.

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California Just Passed A Law to Rein in Drug Prices. Here’s Why It’s Unlikely to Make Much Difference

Over bitter protests from the pharmaceutical industry, California this month enacted a law that requires drug makers to explain and justify prices for some medicines.

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