Record ObamaCare Sign-Up Drive Enters Third Week

Obamacare is entering its third week of open enrollment and supporters are watching to see if the fast pace of sign-ups will continue.

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Trump Again Wades Into Tax Debate, Suggesting Repeal of Obamacare Mandate

As Republican lawmakers worked on Monday toward a delicate compromise on a $1.5 trillion tax cut, President Trump threw himself back into the discussion, suggesting that Republicans could reduce taxes even further by repealing the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that most people have health insurance.

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Trump Turns to Drug Industry for His New Health Secretary

Turning to an industry he's rebuked, President Donald Trump on Monday picked a former top pharmaceutical and government executive to be his health secretary.

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The Senate GOP Tax Bill Keeps the Medical Expense Tax Deduction

The Senate Republican tax bill differs in a lot of ways from the House version. And one chief difference is the deduction for medical expenses. It’s left alone in the Senate bill. House Republicans want it gone.

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More than Half of Uninsured People Eligible for Marketplace Insurance Could Pay Less for Health Plan than Individual Mandate Penalty

A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that more than half (54% or 5.9 million) of the 10.7 million people who are uninsured and eligible to purchase an Affordable Care Act marketplace plan in 2018 could pay less in premiums for health insurance than they would owe as an individual mandate tax penalty for lacking coverage.

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Initial Senate Tax Bill Does Not Repeal ObamaCare Mandate

The tax-reform bill that Senate Republicans are releasing Thursday does not repeal ObamaCare's individual insurance mandate, though the provision could be added down the line, GOP senators said. 

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GOP Senators Seek to “Gut” ACA Via State Waivers

Conservative lawmakers are circulating a proposal that would make it easier for states to provide less coverage at higher costs for their residents.

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Wary Of Exchanges, Insurers Are Wooed By Expanded Medicaid Program

In California and much of the country, it’s a tale of two programs under the Affordable Care Act: state insurance exchanges and expanded Medicaid.

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Pressure Builds To Cut Medicare Patients In On Prescription Deals

Medicare enrollees, who have watched their out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs climb in recent years, might be in for a break.

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Covered California’s Outreach Budget Is Huge, Despite Federal Cuts

The Obamacare-created public health exchange is ramping up outreach, especially to younger people and minority groups.

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