Health Giant Sutter Destroys Evidence In Crucial Antitrust Case Over High Prices

Sutter Health intentionally destroyed 192 boxes of documents that employers and labor unions were seeking in a lawsuit that accuses the giant Northern California health system of abusing its market power and charging inflated prices, according to a state judge.

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GOP Senator: ObamaCare Fix Could Be In Funding Bill

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) expressed optimism about a bipartisan effort to stabilize ObamaCare markets, saying his bill could be included in the upcoming funding package if it had President Trump's blessing.

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Could California Run Out of CHIP Funding by end December?

About two months after federal funding lapsed for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, state officials still don’t know exactly when they’ll run out of money or when Congress will renew funding — leaving families that depend on the program increasingly anxious about their benefits.

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Smooth Start to Health Insurance Enrollment on Nevada’s Exchange

Nevada’s health insurance enrollment period is running smoothly so far, though the director of the state’s exchange under the Affordable Care Act says there may still be challenges.

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Health Exchange Eyes Return to State-Run Enrollment Site

Nevada’s health exchange is looking to once again run its own enrollment site, a move off the platform that could save the state millions of dollars.

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“Obamacare” Sign-Ups 45 Percent Ahead of Last Year’s Pace

The numbers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services come as Republican senators are pushing to pay for tax cuts by repealing the "Obamacare" requirement to carry coverage.

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“Obamacare” Mandate Repeal Would Remake Market for Consumers

Millions are expected to forgo coverage if Congress repeals the unpopular requirement that Americans get health insurance, gambling that they won't get sick and boosting premiums for others in a sharp break with the idea that everyone should contribute toward health care.

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Tax Bill Thrown Into Uncertainty as First GOP Senator Comes Out Against It

Uncertainty gripped the Senate on Wednesday over efforts to pass a sweeping $1.5 trillion tax cut after a Wisconsin Republican became the first senator in his party to declare that he could not vote for the tax bill as written, and other senators expressed serious misgivings over the cost and effect on the middle class.

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Korbulic Remains Concerned About Minorities and Rural Areas

A huge federal cut to health insurance outreach is spurring awareness efforts, with minority and rural communities considered some of the most at risk of missing the message.

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Individual Health Insurance Signups for Covered California Up 25 Percent on First Day

The fifth open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act is off to a strong start in California, with 5,900 people signing up for new health insurance plans on Nov. 1 — 25 percent higher than the first day of open enrollment in 2016, Covered California officials said.

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