Insurance Officials Worry Mandate Repeal Will Damage Markets

Many state insurance officials, even some in red states, are warning that repealing ObamaCare's individual mandate in the GOP tax-reform bill would cause damage to their markets.

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ObamaCare Enrollment Slows In Fourth Week

Nearly 2.8 million people signed up for ObamaCare plans during the first 25 days of open enrollment, but the rate of sign-ups has slowed, the Trump administration announced.

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Putting Money Where Its Mouthpiece Is: Calif. Outspends U.S. To Market Obamacare

Californians are getting barraged with online pop-up ads, radio spots and television commercials, all aimed at persuading them to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans during this year’s open-enrollment season.

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California and Association Health Plans

Just a few decades ago, small businesses in California often banded together to buy health insurance on the premise that a bigger pool of enrollees would get them a better deal. California’s dairy farmers did it; so did car dealers and accountants. But after a string of these “association health plans” went belly up, sometimes in the wake of fraud, state lawmakers passed sweeping changes in the 1990s that consigned them to near extinction.

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Lawmakers Making Progress in Talks on Children’s Health Care

Congressional negotiators are making progress towards a bipartisan deal to reauthorize children’s health insurance and several other important health-care programs, sources say.

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Groups Make Year-end Push to Delay ObamaCare Taxes

Industry groups are gearing up for a final push to repeal or delay taxes in ObamaCare before the end of the year.

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Workers’ Compensation Still Under Pressure from Drug Repackagers, Compounding Pharmacies

Though the number of physician dispensed prescriptions has declined considerably from just a few years ago, the workers’ compensation industry continues to battle a market seeking to maintain high prices by changing drug strength and formulations.

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Trump’s Call to Stop Obamacare Payments Leads to More Cheap Plans for Low-Income Customers

President Trump's decision to cut off Obamacare payments to insurers has driven up the number of zero-cost plans being sold to customers for 2018.

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Actuaries Warn of Insurer Losses, Exchange Exits if Individual Mandate is Killed

If Republicans use their tax bill to repeal the individual mandate, more insurers could end up fleeing the Affordable Care Act exchanges amid climbing financial losses, according to the American Academy of Actuaries.

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Five Health-Care Fights Facing Congress in December

Health-care issues are at the top of Congress’s hefty December to-do list. Republicans spent much of the year on a failed bid to repeal and replace ObamaCare. That’s left several programs and taxes hanging in the balance as the year draws to a close, in addition to the latest health-care drama thrust into the GOP tax-reform debate.

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