Loss of the Individual Mandate, Loosened Regulation of Short-Term Plans Feared by Healthcare Industry

Health insurers—and hospitals—soon may be socked by a double whammy that could drive away insurers' healthier customers, induce them to spike premiums and unravel the individual market.

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Funding Bill Could Provide Short-Term CHIP Relief

The legislation to fund the government for two weeks could also provide some short-term relief to help states keep their Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) afloat.

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CVS and Aetna Say Merger Will Improve Your Health Care. Can They Deliver?

The new company, combining one of the country’s biggest pharmacies with one of its largest health insurers, will create a world where patients will get the “human touch,” they said. Fewer people will fall through the cracks, they promised, and getting high-quality, low-cost medical care will be as close as your corner drugstore.

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Middle-Class Earners Weigh Love And Money To Curb Obamacare Premiums

Anne Cornwell considered two drastic strategies in her quest to get affordable health insurance premiums last year for herself and her retired husband.

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More Nevadans Signing Up On State’s Health Insurance Exchange

More than 22,500 Nevadans have signed up for health insurance on the state’s Affordable Care Act exchange, up 40 percent over the same period last year, data released Wednesday by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shows.

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More Than 80 Percent of Enrollees Qualify for Subsidies Through Nevada Health Link

The Silver State Health Insurance Exchange (Exchange), Nevada’s state agency that helps individuals obtain budget-appropriate health coverage through the online marketplace, Nevada Health Link, continues to offer affordable health plans, amidst the increase in individual market premium rates affecting the current 2018 open enrollment period, which runs through December 15 this year.

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Important Deadline for Changing Medicare Coverage Near

For those over 65 looking to change their Medicare coverage, an important deadline is quickly approaching.

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Red Flags Raised About Skinny Plans

Consumers coping with the high cost of health insurance are the target market for new plans claiming to be lower-cost alternatives to the Affordable Care Act that fulfill the law’s requirement for health coverage.

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Trump Health Pick Parries Questions On Drug Cost, Health Law

Calling it the opportunity of his lifetime, President Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary pledged Wednesday to help lower drug prices and said he’d carry out the Obama-era health law his boss has been unable to erase.

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Trump Backs Bipartisan Obamacare Market Bill, Boosting Tax Plan

President Donald Trump told Republican senators on Tuesday he supports an Obamacare market stabilization bill offered by Republican Lamar Alexander and Democrat Patty Murray, which may help bolster support for the tax-cut legislation headed for a vote this week.

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