Signups for 2018 Exchange Coverage Hit 4.7 Million in First Six Weeks

Nearly 4.7 million people signed up for an insurance plan through in the first six weeks of the Affordable Care Act's open enrollment this year. 

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Health Costs Prevent Many Nevadans From Getting Better Care

More Nevadans have health insurance now than four years ago, largely as a result of the state’s expansion of Medicaid, but most aren’t getting better care because of prohibitive costs, a new study finds.

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Experts Tell Congress How To Cut Drug Prices. We Give You Some Odds.

The nation’s most influential science advisory group was set to tell Congress on Tuesday that the U.S. pharmaceutical market is not sustainable and needs to change.

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Californians Like Single-Payer – Until They Learn Taxes Must Rise to Pay for It

Whether to establish a state-run, single-payer health-care system is shaping up to be one of the main differences among the candidates for governor in California in the run-up to the June primary election. The front-runner, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, says the only thing stopping single-payer in California is a lack of political leadership. The candidate running second in the pack, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, says he supports single-payer but has concerns about how to pay for it.

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Universal Coverage Committee Looks To Other States Single Payer Plans For Lessons

California lawmakers pushing for universal health care are hoping to draw on the experiences of other states and cities that have tried similar models.

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Drug Companies Sue to Block California Drug Price Law

Pharmaceutical companies on Friday sued to block a new California law that would require them to give advance notice before big price increases.

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Desperate For Coverage: Are Short-Term Plans Better Than None At All?

When one of Cindy Holtzman’s clients told the Woodstock, Ga., broker he was considering dropping his Affordable Care Act plan because next year’s cost approached $23,000 for his family of four, she suggested a new option: a back-to-back set of four, 90-day short-term plans, which would effectively give them a modicum of medical coverage for 2018.

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An Obamacare Surprise in the Mail: New Insurers and New Costs

Meg and Robert Holub were surprised to receive a letter last week welcoming them to a new health insurance plan and telling them to pay $3,483 by Jan. 8.

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Why A Pill That’s 4 Cents In Tanzania Costs Up to $400 In The U.S.

Two pills to wipe out hookworm could cost you 4 cents. Or $400. It just depends where you live. The 4 cents is in Tanzania. That'll cover the two pills it takes to knock out the intestinal parasite. But in the United States, where hookworm has re-emerged, the price for two 200 mg tablets of albendazole can cost as much as $400.

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Shopping for Healthcare Online? The Odds Are Stacked Against You

The internet is a great place to shop for plane tickets, laundry detergent, artisan jewelry and pretty much anything else you might ever want to buy. But a new report says there’s one big exception — healthcare.

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