Trump Administration Proposes Rule to Expand Association Health Plans

In a bid to expand access to affordable healthcare coverage, the Trump administration early Thursday rolled out proposed rules that would allow more small businesses and self-employed workers to band together to buy insurance.

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Credit Rater Predicts Stable Year for ObamaCare Markets

The ObamaCare insurance markets will be relatively stable through 2018, analysts predicted Wednesday.

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Lawmakers Returning to Washington, Face Critical Spending Issues

Fresh off of tax-cut euphoria, President Donald Trump and Senate and House GOP leaders returned to the nation’s capital Tuesday to begin dealing with Democrats to address critical spending and budget issues to avoid a government shutdown.

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Hospital Groups Dig In After Cuts To Discount Drug Program

Hospital groups are vowing to push forward with a fight against the Trump administration over changes to a federal drug discount program following a setback last week. 

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If You’re Tired of Medicare Advantage, Now is the Time to Ditch

If you missed your initial Medicare enrollment period or want to dump your Advantage Plan altogether, now's the time to do it.

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Conservative Groups Push for 2018 Repeal of ObamaCare

Conservative groups are pushing President Trump to make ObamaCare repeal a priority in 2018, even as some Republicans signal a desire to move on from the issue.

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House GOP Whip: Entitlement Reform, ObamaCare Repeal on 2018 Agenda

ObamaCare repeal and entitlement reform are at the top of the agenda for House Republicans in 2018, Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said Tuesday.

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Did You Miss the ACA Deadline? Don’t Panic

Nevadans whose health care isn’t covered by their employers and who missed the Dec. 15 deadline for government-provided insurance still have options for the coming year, according to local experts.

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Record Number of Nevadans Enroll on Health Insurance Exchange

President Donald Trump predicted the Affordable Care Act would “implode,” but a record number of Nevadans signed up for health insurance this year through the state’s exchange during a shortened enrollment period, it was reported Thursday.

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Get Ready for a Revived Brawl Over Single-Payer Healthcare in California

Whether it was bracing for a possible repeal of Obamacare or pondering an ambitious single-payer program that would overhaul how California provided medical care to its residents, the issue of healthcare kept politicians and policy wonks busy in 2017.

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