Feds to End Premium Fix for Medicare-ACA Exchange Double Dippers

The arrangement helps consumers who signed up for exchange plans rather than Medicare Part B coverage.

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Obamacare Premiums Stable for 2020 – But Still Pricey

A family may pay more than $1,500 a month for ACA coverage

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Verma: Public Option Like ‘Sending Your Referees to Compete in the Game’

Amid growing political discussion over growing the role of government in healthcare, Medicare chief Seema Verma is warning that the feds need to have “humility” in how they approach health reform. 

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Budget Watchdog Group Outlines ‘Medicare for All’ Financing Options

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) on Monday released a paper providing its preliminary estimates for various ways to finance "Medicare for All," as the issue of how to pay for such a health plan has taken center stage in the Democratic presidential primary.

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Boxed In? Warren Confronts Tough Politics of Health Care

For Elizabeth Warren, it was supposed to be one more big idea in a campaign built around them: a promise that everyone could get government-funded health care, following the lead of her friend and fellow White House hopeful Bernie Sanders. Instead, "Medicare for All" is posing one of the biggest challenges to the Massachusetts senator's candidacy.

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Benefits Can Be More Important Than Cash for Small-Business Employees

It’s not an across-the-board finding, but if you ask employees of small businesses how they feel about their benefits, you may be surprised to learn that 87 percent of them would accept additional benefits over a pay raise.

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Healthcare Costs Projected to Rise 5% in 2020 as Employers Look to Control Costs

Curbing the cost of healthcare and increasing its affordability remain the top priorities for 93% of employers over the next three years, according to the 24th annual Best Practices in Health Care Employer Survey by Willis Towers Watson.

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Employers Looking Beyond High-Deductible Health Plans to Solutions that Empower Workers

Employers are seeking more innovative ways to manage healthcare costs while hitting the pause button using high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to do it, a new survey shows. 

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2019 Employer Benefits Survey: Balancing High Tech, High Touch

Technology continues to reshape the landscape of the benefits business. As employers increasingly rely on technology for everything from enrollment to administration and compliance, they look to their brokers for sound advice.

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Are Employers Getting Better at Benefits Communication?

Employers may be getting better at communicating about benefits during open enrollment.

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