Republican House leaders say their congressional agenda will soothe national anxiety by improving healthcare and poverty.
“Today, people are anxious,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.) said on Saturday in the GOP’s weekly address. “We are all anxious. We’re on edge.”
“More than anything, what people want right now is to be heard,” added McMorris Rodgers, chairwoman of the Republican Conference. “And that’s why it is so important and fundamental that we restore [the] people’s voice in their government and uphold the Constitution. So let’s affirm a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) said he had collaborated with fellow House Republicans on a comprehensive set of solutions for economic and social problems.
“Seven out of 10 Americans do not think America is headed in the right direction,” he said. “We agree. But rather than simply complain — rather than simply just throw bombs — we are offering solutions.
“Now these ideas work in a pretty simple way. We take our timeless principles, we apply them to the problems of the day and we offer people solutions to help improve their lives.”
Majority Whip Steve Scalise (La.) said a major part of this “Better Way” agenda is fixing problems relating to ObamaCare.
“I think it’s pretty clear now that people know we don’t like ObamaCare as House Republicans,” he said. “But they want to know what we’re for, and our ‘Better Way’ plan lays out a way to put patients back in charge of their healthcare, to focus on lowering costs and getting rid of the mandates that are killing jobs under ObamaCare.”
Rep. Lynn Jenkins (Kan.) added the agenda would boost the economy and would reform the tax code for voters.
“It is comprised of policies that are based on common sense principles that everyone can agree on,” said Jenkins, vice chairwoman of the Republican Conference. “Rewarding hard work, stimulating growth, building a fairer, flatter tax code and holding the IRS in check. The American people deserve a better way – and that is exactly what House Republicans are going to deliver.”